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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Meat And Friday

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I understand that we are to abstain from meat on Friday. However, my family doesn't eat a whole lot of meat and so abstaining is not that big of a deal-- and really hard to remember.

I wondered if instead of meat it would be okay to abstain from sodas (which I drink a lot :blush: ) and not abstain from meat. This would be a bigger sacrifice for us.

Or because we are all doing this "universally" (although my experience has been that many Catholics don't know about this outside of Lent), is it better to try to abstain from meat?

Thank you.

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Abstinence from meat on Fridays used to be required of all Catholics in the whole world. Today it not required that you abstain from meat, it can be substituted with "some appropriate penance." Abstaining from soda (Pop if you're from the Midwest, or Coke if you're from the South) sounds like a great idea.

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