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Jobs Going Overseas


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I think I placed too much blame on unions and democrats... I do believe that they added fuel to the fire, but we started the fire.

The bottom line is that jobs have been going overseas for many many years.

It is not the reps fault or the dems fault.

It's our fault for buying things that are not made in the USA.

It's our fault for doing business with companies that go overseas.

Next time we want to complain about jobs going overseas...[list]
[*]Where where our shoes made?
[*]Where was the shirt we are wearing made?
[*]Where where the pants that we are wearing made?
[*]Where was our car made?
[*]Where was our TV made?
[*]Where was our computers made?
[*]Where was our furniture made?
[*]Where was the pens and pencils that we use made?
[*]Where were the forks, spoons, and knives that we eat with made?
[*]Where were the plates that we eat on made?
[/list]First, it was cars and electronics... then it grew... The gate was opened, and we welcomed it in by buying luxury products made overseas... then to stay in business and compete, companies went overseas....

If we cared enough, we should have spoke up... If we cared enough, we should have shouted to these companies and made an example of the companies that did go by not doing business with them.

Now, companies have to do buisness overseas to be able to do business....

We have no one to blame but ourselves.... the door was opened to all out overseas trade long ago... and it has been getting bigger ever since.

I try to buy USA made goods... sometimes I do fail to do so.... and I am to blame... no one else.

We should try remember this the next time we're shopping.... Are we going to buy the name brand... or the one made in the USA?

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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It's our fault for being so cheap that we buy foreign over American. It's our fault. I'm sick of the blame game. I don't care who the president is, they can't make that much of a difference.

Have you seen that GeorgeBushoutsourcingjobs.com 571 group (or whatever) with their ad now?

Edited by thedude
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Im not to blame. I go local first and then up. The smaller a business the more likely they get it from me.

Corporate greed has something to do with this too.

They are making profits hand over fist.

CEOS making multimillions and you tell me they are going overseas because they are broke...


They are so short-sighted they are cutting off their noses to spite their face, utterly destroying the middle class that buys most of their products.

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Who cares what country things are made? An American life is no more important than a Tai, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, etc life.

What we [b]need[/b] to do is support our Catholic businesses--regardless of what country. Not because Catholics are more important, but because we must create a Catholic culture.

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Ah the multicultural one world for all..a la.Bennetton Colors, where the reality of sweat shops is hidden... :rolleyes:

Maybe you all will care about outsourcing when you dont have a job.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Aug 19 2004, 04:30 PM'] I think I placed too much blame on unions and democrats... I do believe that they added fuel to the fire, but we started the fire.

The bottom line is that jobs have been going overseas for many many years.

It is not the reps fault or the dems fault.

It's our fault for buying things that are not made in the USA.

It's our fault for doing business with companies that go overseas.

Next time we want to complain about jobs going overseas...[list]
[*]Where where our shoes made?
[*]Where was the shirt we are wearing made?
[*]Where where the pants that we are wearing made?
[*]Where was our car made?
[*]Where was our TV made?
[*]Where was our computers made?
[*]Where was our furniture made?
[*]Where was the pens and pencils that we use made?
[*]Where were the forks, spoons, and knives that we eat with made?
[*]Where were the plates that we eat on made?
[/list]First, it was cars and electronics... then it grew... The gate was opened, and we welcomed it in by buying luxury products made overseas... then to stay in business and compete, companies went overseas....

If we cared enough, we should have spoke up... If we cared enough, we should have shouted to these companies and made an example of the companies that did go by not doing business with them.

Now, companies have to do buisness overseas to be able to do business....

We have no one to blame but ourselves.... the door was opened to all out overseas trade long ago... and it has been getting bigger ever since.

I try to buy USA made goods... sometimes I do fail to do so.... and I am to blame... no one else.

We should try remember this the next time we're shopping.... Are we going to buy the name brand... or the one made in the USA?

God Bless,
ironmonk [/quote]
its at times like these that I shed a tear, because for once the Monk and I agree.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Aug 19 2004, 04:30 PM'] I think I placed too much blame on unions and democrats... I do believe that they added fuel to the fire, but we started the fire.

The bottom line is that jobs have been going overseas for many many years.

It is not the reps fault or the dems fault.

It's our fault for buying things that are not made in the USA.

It's our fault for doing business with companies that go overseas.

Next time we want to complain about jobs going overseas...[list]
[*]Where where our shoes made?
[*]Where was the shirt we are wearing made?
[*]Where where the pants that we are wearing made?
[*]Where was our car made?
[*]Where was our TV made?
[*]Where was our computers made?
[*]Where was our furniture made?
[*]Where was the pens and pencils that we use made?
[*]Where were the forks, spoons, and knives that we eat with made?
[*]Where were the plates that we eat on made?
[/list]First, it was cars and electronics... then it grew... The gate was opened, and we welcomed it in by buying luxury products made overseas... then to stay in business and compete, companies went overseas....

If we cared enough, we should have spoke up... If we cared enough, we should have shouted to these companies and made an example of the companies that did go by not doing business with them.

Now, companies have to do buisness overseas to be able to do business....

We have no one to blame but ourselves.... the door was opened to all out overseas trade long ago... and it has been getting bigger ever since.

I try to buy USA made goods... sometimes I do fail to do so.... and I am to blame... no one else.

We should try remember this the next time we're shopping.... Are we going to buy the name brand... or the one made in the USA?

God Bless,
ironmonk [/quote]
You've got a point, but what about industries in which nothing is made in America any more, like TVs?

One thing that would help is if Consumer Reports gave the domestic contect percentage, that way when I make a purchase I canfactor that in.

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Budge' date='Aug 19 2004, 07:08 PM'] Maybe you all will care about outsourcing when you dont have a job. [/quote]
I doubt they'll ever find a way to outsource my job. Or Don John's. How fortunate we are! But dUSt is right.

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COOL!!! I just read this article on Walmarts buisness. It best describes what is happening.

If ya'll remember, Walmart was big in selling only USA items. However, they are big and powerful. Everyone needs to do buisness with them because they are a big asset to making money. Bad news....they set prices.

For example, Valsic decided to do some pickle buisness with Walmart. The had gallon jar pickles to be sold at 3 something. Walmart said, "we'll do buisness with but we'll pay 2.97 for the pickles."
People went NUTS!!! Valsic pickles for only 2 something??? It's 3 something over at Jewel!! Walmart and Valsic made only a few pennys per jar because it sold so low. People went hog wild in buying these pickles. Slowly Valsic lost money over the deal. Within a few years after the deal, Valsic filed for bankruptcy.

With this type of low pricing, Walmart shuts down alot of places. It's all competition so it's not like they are doing it on purpose, I guess, but they are trying to get on top (which they are). But what happens when all our companies shut down or refuse to give into lower prices? IMPORTATION.

Chinese stuff is cheap. Dirt cheap compared to USA made stuff. That is why there is so much of it here.

My family and I try our best to stay away from Chinese made things. Mostly for the human rights issue over there. Sometimes, in emergency cases, we'll buy Chinese.

My favorite quote from the article on Walmart is this, "...you can't buy anything if you're not employed. We are shopping ourselves out of jobs."


Read the article if you can. It's really interesting.

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[quote name='Norseman82' date='Aug 20 2004, 01:24 AM'] You've got a point, but what about industries in which nothing is made in America any more, like TVs? 

One thing that would help is if Consumer Reports gave the domestic contect percentage, that way when I make a purchase I canfactor that in. [/quote]
We would all be better off without a TV.

That's a choice that we have to make...

I disagree with dust that it doesn't matter where something is made, because it does. It is that kind thinking that has moved many jobs overseas. Which, great that some in other countries have jobs, but we need jobs here.

I agree with dust that we should do business with Catholic businesses.

When we don't buy something because it's from overseas, we need to email the company letting them know that we are not buying because it's from oversea.

God Bless,

Edited by ironmonk
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[quote]What we need to do is support our Catholic businesses--regardless of what country. Not because Catholics are more important, but because we must create a Catholic culture.[/quote]

AMEN to that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='musturde' date='Aug 21 2004, 10:20 AM'] What do yall mean by "Catholic Buisness"? [/quote]
Business that believes that salvation is by works. I dunno. Something along those lines.

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oi ve... just keep on subject pls... no one dignify that off-the-wall comment with a response..

i think they meant businesses run by Catholics and thus don't use their money to fund planned-parenthood or any type of evil...

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