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Is There A Double Standard?


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It seems women are expected to have a career. Women are also often expected to bring grandchildren to their parents, to be nurturing, nice...etc.

Is there a double standard here? Discuss.

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I think there is somewhat, women are expected to work all day then come home and still be nice and loving and caring to everyone. I feel at least at my church there's a lot of double standards. For example, a young unmarried girl is pregnant and goes to communion after confessing her sin and everyone looks at her and talks about her like it's the biggest thing since the Last Supper. The guy who got her pregnant could also be there but since his sin isn't shown it's okay. To me, the girl kept the baby instead of having an abortion, and the guy was just as involved in the act as she was, but for some reason people think it's their job to talk about her and what a horrible person she is.....Okay sorry I've been waiting forever to use that example in a conversation! :)

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Me too....Raising a child and being responsible for the life of another human is the most amazing thing anyone can do....I have huge respect for mothers...BTW the example wasn't me, I don't have any kids but I've seen it happen and it breaks my heart... :sadder:

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it's not a double standard to expect women to have a career and be a perfect parent who does cooking, cleaning, and spends quality time w/ her kids so they don't end up criminals. it's a double standard to exempt men from those same responsibilities simply because they have a career. if a woman is expected to do all those things, then a man should, too.

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Kilroy the Ninja

Why are women expected to have careers? Why can't we just go to school to be educated and get our degree and stay home? Is the point of going to college simply to "get" a career?

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I agree. The double standard makes my brain hurt sometimes. As women, we're expected to work a full time job. Wait, not just a job, but have a meaningful career. Then we're expected to be married, raise children, take care of the household, etc. And if the kids aren't perfect you deal with the "well, it's because she works" statements from people. Some of us HAVE to work to support our children and are doing the best we can. If some of us didn't work, we wouldn't be able to properly care for them. And how about single moms? It's an incredibly hard task to support and raise a child by yourself. On the other hand, when a woman chooses to raise her children full time, she gets whispered about too. Basically women can't win in that regard because there will always be someone who disapproves. Sadly, that is mostly other women.

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I think women shouldn't be expected of, they should have that choice. However, I think it is best for the children if they have a stay at home mom. But they [i]whole[/i] family is important. So, iunno. :huh:

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Just because a family lacks a father does not mean they are not a whole family. They might be a one parent family, but that family is no less than a WHOLE family.

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Indeed creepy crawler, however our society does not expect the same from men. Don't get me wrong there are some great guys out there who do their fair share and are loving and nuturing and the whole 9 yards, they are just definitely few and far between, which is why I want to hold onto one when I get him!!

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