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St. Therese Of Lisieux


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[quote name='Angelone' date='Sep 2 2004, 07:16 AM'] Dear MorphRC - If you get bored watching Therese I will refund you $30 i.e. double the price you quoted.

Is the deal on ? ;)

:shield: [/quote]
Lol. No its ok.

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Thanks for signing the Petition LiL Kat and FutureSoror. ;)

It all depends on the show of support in the US whether or not 'THERESE' will be screened Internationally.

If this movie is a success in the US, "Her Little way" will be opened wide to the rest of the world :D

For us, outside the US, your reaction to this movie is vital and we are praying and counting on your AWESOME SUPPORT in order to be able to experience "Therese" who, in her own words is telling us all, "I come to confide the [color=blue][b]story of my soul[/b][/color]"

God Bless

:shield:[img]http://www.theresemovie.com/press/Images_from_Movie/sTHERESE_AS_ST_JOAN.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.theresemovie.com/press/Images_from_Movie/sTHERESE_ILL_W_PAULINE.jpg[/img]

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In a beatification mass at Loreto Sunday last, Pope John Paul II had this to say in his homily:

"To the faithful who constantly interrupted him with applause, he said: "Carry in your hearts what the Church carries in her heart: that many men and women of our time be conquered by the attraction of Christ."

May his Gospel "shine again as a light of hope for the poor, the sick, those hungry for justice," the Holy Father continued.

"May Christian communities be ever more lively, open, attractive; may our cities be welcoming and livable for all; may humanity be able to follow the ways of peace and fraternity," the Pope added.

It corresponds to the laity to "witness to the faith through the virtues that are specific to you," among them, "fidelity and tenderness in the family, competence in work, tenacity in serving the common good, solidarity in social relations, [b][color=blue]creativity in undertaking works that are useful to evangelization and human promotion[/color][/b]" he said.

"It corresponds [to the laity] also to show, in close communion with pastors, that the Gospel is timely, and that faith does not remove the believer from history, but submerges him more profoundly in it," the Pope said."

excerpt taken from [url="http://www.zenit.org"]Zenit[/url]


Luke films Inc have shown, in the Pope's words [b][color=blue]"creativity in undertaking works that are useful to evangelization and human promotion"[/b][/color] - Its up to us now to give them our FULL SUPPORT ;) .

Please visit the web [url="http://www.theresemovie.com"]www.theresemovie.com[/url], Click on the roses of the landing page and go through the various items therein, fill in the registration form (click "SEE THERESE" - upper right corner) and do whatever is in your power to promote this awesome movie - at the end of the day, you might be THE ONE who will benefit from it all!!
God Bless

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I distributed information of the movie to my pastor, and we had a petition and etc. Got a decent amount of signatures (was expecting more), and my pastor also does mass at another parish, so he'll be having a petition there too.

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Thank you for your efforts Paladin D. Do not worry about the results.... God willing these will come at the Good Lord's appointed time - you just keep on sowing the good seed and never give up - God Bless :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

Calling New York City..... and San Antonio..... Chicago...... Houston...... Dallas..... St. Louis........ Seattle...... Las Vegas...... Detroit...... and all the rest

[b][color=red]Please pre book your ticket for THERESE [/color][/b][color=blue]TODAY[/color]

Please click on[url="http://www.theresemovie.com"]www.theresemovie.com[/url] and ENTER the Flash Site - CLICK on the SECOND ROSE from top [color=purple][b]Showing [i]the [/i]Miracle[/b][/color] and you will get a link to all the theatres showing THERESE.



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[color=purple][quote name='Seven77' date='Aug 23 2004, 03:28 AM'] St. Therese lived it and returned love for love. aint nothing mushy about a cloistered nun radically living the Gospel, loving those most hardest to love--going out of the way for them, believing and trusting in GOD even when you feel nothing--facing spiritual darkness, offering up annoyances silently with patience, loving GOD in everything she did, suffering from TB. War? this is straight up COMBAT! Spiritual Warfare! She got satan runnin!  [/quote][/color][b]

Hi Seven77,

I've missed your post before but read it today whilst going through this thread. What you say is awesome and does not need any further explainations.

[color=red]I just recommend visitors to re-read your above quote.[/color]

God Bless you always and thanks for sharing[/b]


Edited by Angelone
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[b]FATHER MITCH PACWA – Author; Host of EWTN; Founder, Ignatius Productions:

[color=blue]The most striking element of the movie THÉRÈSE is that there is a soft beauty about the very style of the portrayal. There is a kind of color and gentleness which is not commonly present in movies, and it becomes something refreshing because it is distinctive. Secondly, it’s the story of a very interesting character who doesn’t accomplish a lot of great things in terms of production, scientific discovery, or many of the more commonly accepted norms of accomplishment. But there is a quality about THÉRÈSE that come through as so attractive; the charm that we guys, I guess, so easily fall for in a woman, the charm of innocence, draws you in.[/color]

ANTHONY RYAN - Director of Marketing, Ignatius Press:

[color=purple]From the very start of this beautiful film, lovingly made, and produced with unsparing effort to the highest industry standards in every department, Luke Films has pulled off a tremendous cinematic achievement - one that very few filmmakers would even attempt, or come close to attaining. The biggest reason Defilippis succeeds in capturing on film this "inner story" of a great modern saint is because he understands the subject well and tells her story with a spiritual, yet profoundly human approach. This understanding is what he gives to the audience, bringing to life the wonder, inspiration and powerful message of THÉRÈSE.

Thérèse is a saint for all of us, one we all can relate to, and imitate, in her love of God and neighbor in the ordinary events of life. We found her to be portrayed exactly that way in this film – like us, but filled with extraordinary love. Lindsay Younce gives a wonderful, convincing performance, and all the others in the film are excellent, especially a man who is, in my opinion, one of the great actors of our time, Leonardo Defilippis, who so movingly plays the father of Thérèse, Louis Martin[/color].[/b]

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