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Medical Science Under Dictatorship


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I am posting this very interesting article that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine Post WWII in 1949. It focuses on how the Nazi regime was able to perverse the minds of the intellectual elite and thus how their society followed. This is all done through the view of the medical profession in this article and there are some stern warnings in it. I encourage everyone to read it as it really although indirectly highlights Catholic Social teaching especially on the dignity of the human person.



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[quote]The case, therefore, that I should like to make is that American medicine must realize where it stands in its fundamental premises. There can be no doubt that in a subtle way the Hegelian premise of "what is useful is right" has infected society, including the medical portion. [/quote]
It's so true. Look at cloning. :( And this was written over half a century ago!

That's really an eye-opening article. We tend to think that all this is new (these attacks on human dignity . . . abortion, euthanasia, etc), but it's really not. These ideas about messing with human life is older than we think.

When you deny the dignity of human life in any form, you just open the door for other horrendous abuses of and attacks on human dignity.

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