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Margaret Sanger Quotes

MC Just

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[quote name='Colleen' date='Aug 20 2004, 12:55 AM'] Why does that not surprise me? <_< [/quote]
yep, that practically says it all. another disturbing tid-bit is that I know of an "inter-faith" chapel that has a stained glass window of Margaret Sanger.

Something kind of cool though is that she went to India to promote a eugenics program among the poor and she got to meet Ghandi. Anyway, she used all the smooth rhetoric she could come up with the try and win Ghandi's support for contraception as a solution to overpopulation and poverty. Ghandi kept it real and completely rejected the use of contraception. If only he had known about NFP like we do now he would have had a card to play back at her. This account is given in Margaret Sanger's autobiography but she is very nasty toward Ghandi when she describes it.

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Oh sheesh. Ok I didnt know hitler got his idea's from her. I thought it was the other way around.. But wow what a twisted woman.....

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OMG I just found out that my wife's sister was in the board of directors of a planned parenthood. She's a pro-choice democrat...

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How disgusting. What a revolting and evil person this was. I should like to make a bumper sticker or t-shirt that has one of those quotes on it.
YES! Yes, this is a good idea folks. Hmmm I am going to do that. There's a place where you can make your own t-shirts around here.
Hey guys, help me pick one of the quotes that MC_Just gave us. I suppose it shouldn't be too awful.

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Yeah I hear ya there. I'm working on a page on my "pro-life apostolate" website that's dedicated to teaching people who Margaret sanger was and what her and her orginization "Planned Parenthood" is all about...

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Here's the site I'm working on...

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Oh when I mention democrats I'm talking about the "Kerry" Democrats. I know and understand that there are Pro-life Democrats and I respect that. Much love to them...

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Mary's Knight, La


I'm going to play devil's advocate here or at least PP & Sanger's advocate here (but how much difference is there really) and point out that I have yet to see sources for the quotes, neither website says what documents or speeches the quotes are from. If you want the quotes to be effective on more than a "shock emotional level" and reach intellectual effectiveness you would do much to find out where she said those quotes.

just a thought, though i dont guess i was that good of an advocate... oh darn!

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She has written books where she says these things..... as Laudate_Dominum stated above... Laudate_Dominum whats the names of the writings and books??

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I have a few from my apologetics course in school:

Those who give free maternity care to the poor "encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to sholder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks (referring to humans) that are most detrimental to the future of the race and to the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominat."

"Ask the government to first take the burden of the insane and feebleminded from your back. Sterilization for these is the solution."
When asked how you define feebleminded she said that seven out of ten people she saw walking down the street could be classed as "feebleminded."

Now, I wonder if when PPH supporters were to look at their history and see this what they would say.

She was parallel with Hitler and his practices. Hmmmmm, interesting.

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