MorphRC Posted August 18, 2004 Share Posted August 18, 2004 [color=red][b]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b][/color] [b]Aura tectum Militis , Aura instruo Militis & Aura magister Militis. Amen Amen.[/b] [color=red][b]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b][/color] [color=gray][font="Times"][b]Sola Fide: What the Bible Does State[/b][/color][/font] [b]Traditional, Apostolic & Catholic Truth*[/b] [b]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b] [b]Basic Heretical Teachings - Sources:[/b] Sola Fide (Faith Alone) [b][3][/b] [i]Sola Fide:[/i] (Faith Alone) Salvation is through faith alone. In Romans 3:26 the Apostle Paul tells us that God sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice, "to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies the man who has faith in Jesus." Rather than being declared righteous on the basis of our faith plus our deeds, we are declared righteous solely on the basis of our faith in the righteousness of Christ. (Romans 3:20-28). Christ's righteousness is imputed to the sinner not infused or imparted. Without the imputation of Christ's righteousness to us, all the infused grace we have will not save us because we as Christians do sin and fall short of Gods own perfect standard! We are justified by faith alone but not by faith that is alone. Genuine faith is accompanied by the fruit of good works (James 2:14-18). We are not declared righteous on the basis of any work, but only on the basis of our faith in Jesus: Rom. 3:20, 26, 28; 4:2-13; Gal. 2:16; 3:24-25. [url=""]Truth is Truth - The Five Sola's of the Reformation[/url] [b]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b] [b]I[/b] will be giving Traditional, Apostolic and Catholic Teaching that will disprove the following heretical belief system of Sola Fide, the verses only will be dealt with to avoid un-neccessary extra-content from clouding the apologetic truth. I will begin from the top as follows: Rom. 3:20; 26 and so on down the list of Scriptural References. ----- [b]Bible Translations Used:[/b] Latin Vulgate: 409AD - [LV 409AD] Douay Rheims: 1609AD - [DR 1609AD] [url=""]Latin Vulgate & Douay Rheims Version - 409AD : 1609AD.[/url] [b]Note:[/b] All Sources are given, in proper [i]bibliographic setting[/i]. [b]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b] [font="Times"][b][1] Sola Fide (Faith Alone):[/b][/font] [font="Times"][b]Rom. 3:20[/b][/font] [b]20.[/b] quia ex operibus legis non iustificabitur omnis caro coram illo per legem enim cognitio peccati [LV 409AD] [b]20.[/b]Because by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified before him. For by the law is the knowledge of sin. [DR 1609AD] --- [b]36[/b] [b]20.[/b] [i]by observing the law:[/i] Lit., "from the deeds of the (Mosaic) law"; see comment on 2:15. These are not simply "good deeds," but those performed in obedience to the law and regarded by Jews as the means of attaining uprightness before God. [i]no human being will be made upright in his sight:[/i] An implicit quotation of Ps 143:2, a psalm of his sinfulness and God's transcendent uprightness, confesses his inability to vindicate himself. Instead, he appeals for his vindication to God's characteristic "fidelity" (Gk [i]alethia[/i] = Hebr [i]'emuna[/i]) and uprightness" (Gk [i]dikaiosyne[/i] = Hebr [i]sedeq[/i]). See comment on 1:17. The MT of the Ps says, "Before you no living being is upright"; but cites the LXX, which has the fut. tense and he changes "living being" to "flesh." using a hebraism (Isa 40:5). [i]through the law (comes) the real knowledge of sin:[/i] The developed discussion of the role of the law in human history (7:7-8:4) is foreshadowed here. The law gives human beings a real perception ([i]epignosis[/i]) of sin;. Without the law human beings did evil, but their wrongs were not recognized as transgressions (4:15; 5:13), i.e., acts of rebellion against the expressed will of God. But if the law declares all people sinners and makes them conscious of their condition, then a fortiori the Jew to whom the law is addressed is just as much an object of God's wrath as the pagan, whose moral perversion and degradation reveal his condition.[b][S][/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 839, Romans (3:10-22), [51:35-38], 36. [b]->[/b] What St. Paul was actually condemning was the Mosaic law, and the works that came through that, they were as the NJBC stated; '[i]performed in obedience to the law[/i]' and not of total heart-felt need. So instead of actually going against Faith & Works, its worked for it, telling us do not to good deeds or works just out of obedience for a law, but out of our hearts and love for God. [b]---------->[/b] [font="Times"][b]Rom. 3:26[/b][/font] [b]26.[/b] in sustentatione Dei ad ostensionem iustitiae eius in hoc tempore ut sit ipse iustus et iustificans eum qui ex fide est Iesu [LV 409AD] [b]26.[/b] Through the forbearance of God, for the shewing of his justice in this time: that he himself may be just and the justifier of him who is of the faith of Jesus Christ [DR 1609AD] --- [b]->[/b] There is nothing here to tell us that Faith Alone saves us, the key word that is missing of course is '[i]alone[/i]'. The NJBC 2nd Ed. states about the last section: [b]42[/b] [b]26.[/b] [i]even in making upright the one who has faith in Jesus:[/i] ... Paul is rather saying that the recent divine intervention in human history proves that God is upright; he even makes human beings upright through faith in Christ's expiatory death.[b][S][/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 841, Romans (3:26-4:1), [51:42-45], 42. [b]---------->[/b] [font="Times"][b]Rom. 3:28[/b][/font] [b]28.[/b] arbitramur enim iustificari hominem per fidem sine operibus legis [LV 409AD] [b]28.[/b]For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law. [DR 1609AD] --- [b]43[/b] [b]28.[/b] [i]is made upright by faith:[/i] See Gal 2:16, Phil 3:9. This is the main tenet of Pauline justification. Human beings cannt boast, because their rectitude before God is not the product of achievement. At this point Luther introduced the adv. "only", into his transl. of 1522 ("alleyn durch den Glauben"). This became a major reformation issue, but it was not done without precedent in aearlier theological tradition (see Hilary, [i]Comm. in Matt.[/i] 8:6; PL 9. 961; Ambrosiaster, [i] In ep. ad Rom.[/i] 3:24; CSEL 81/1. 119; Thomas Aq. [i] Expos in 1 ad Tim. 1:3;[/i] Parma 13.588). How much of that tradition was influenced by Jas 2:24? Did Luther and his predecessors mean the same thing by it? [i]without observing the law:[/i] Lit., "without the deeds of the law" (see comment on 2:15). Paul never denied the relation of deeds performed after Christian conversion to salvation (see Gal 5:6; Rom 2:6; Phil 2:12-13; _> Pauline Theology; 82:111), but because he sometimes omits the gen. [i]Nomou[/i], his phrase acquired a more generic meaning, "deeds." This apparently happened even in the early church, for Jas 2:24 represents a protest not against Paul's teaching but against a caricature of it to which the unguarded phrase was open (see Reumann, [i]"Righteousness"[/i] S 270-75, 413).[b][S][/b] [i][b]Rom 2:15 Comment:[/b][/i] [b]30[/b] [b]15.[/b] [i]they show that what the law requires is written in their hearts:[/i] Lit., "the deed of the law is written." Paul uses the sg. of the expression that he employs elsewhere in the pl. in a pejorative sense, [i]erga nomou[/i], "the deeds of the law" (3:20,28; Gal 2:16; 3:2,5,10), or simply [i]erga[/i] (4:2,6; 9:12,32, 11:6). They are the deeds that the law prescribes. Paul affirms such knowledge as a present real condition of the Gentile Conscience. [i]their thoughts argue their case pro and con:[/i] This version of a difficult sentence takes [i]metaxy allelon[/i], "between one another," to refer to the mutual debate of inward thoughts in the Gentile conscience; the debate would concern the Gentile's conduct (so. Cranfield, [i]Romans[/i] 162; Kasemann, [i]Romans[/i] 66). Sine cinnebtatirs (Sanday-headlam, Lyonnet) take it to refer to thoughts that criticize or defend the actions of othes, "in their dealings with one another." This however, is farfetched. [b][S1][/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 841, Romans (3:26-4:1), [51:42-45], 43. [b][S]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 837, Romans (2:9-26), [51:30-32], 30. [b]->[/b] Key word missing "only" which would have rendered: '[i]For we account a man to be justified by faith[/i] [i]only[/i]. That would have supported Sola Fide, [u]IF[/u] it was written by St. Paul himself. [b]---------->[/b] [font="Times"][b]Rom. 4:2-13[/b][/font] [url=""]Latin Vulgate With English - Romans 4:2-13[/url] [b]->[/b] The main verses that try and yeld [i]Sola Fide[/i] are; 4:2, 4:3, 4:5. Start with 4:2: For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory, but not before God. [DR 1609AD] [b]45[/b] [b]2.[/b] [i]because of deeds:[/i] Contempory Judaism depicted Abraham as an observer of the law in advance (Sir 44:20 [a Midrash on Gen 26:5]; [i]Jub[/i]. 6:19), and even in a broader sense spoke of his "deeds" (his defeat of Kings [Gen 14];, his trial [Gen 22:9-10]) as a source of his uprightness (1 Macc 2:52; Wis 10:5; cf. Jas 2:21). But in saying [i]ex ergon[/i] only, Paul means "deeds of the law" (see comment on 2:15); this sense alone fits this context. in effect, Paul rejects the contempory Jewish view that Abraham was an observer of the law. [i]reason to boast:[/i] Before human beings.[b][S][/b] -- Now 4:3: For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God: and it was reputed to him unto justice. [DR 1609AD] [b]45[/b] [b]3.[/b] [i]put faith in God, and it was accredited to him as uprightness:[/i] ... By "faith" is meant Abraham's acceptance of Yahweh at his word and his willingness to abide by it. [b][S1][/b] -- Lastly 4:5: [b]5.[/b] But to him that worketh not, yet believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is reputed to justice, according to the purpose of the grace of God. [DR 1609AD] [b]45[/b] [b]5.[/b] [i]believes in him who justifies the ungodly:[/i] This is not a theorertical expression of Abraham's belief, nor does it mean that Abraham was himself [i]asebes[/i], "ungodly," before he put faith in Yahweh. Jewish tradition considered Abraham a [i]ger[/i], "stranger", "alien" (Gen 23:4), one called from paganism. Since at the moment of belief in Yahweh, of which Paul speaks, Abraham had already been called and was scarcely "godless," the phrase "who justifies the ungodly" is a generic Pauline description of God.[b][S2][/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 832, Romans (4:2-16), [51:46-48], 45. [b][S1]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 842, Romans (4:2-16), [51:46-48], 45. [b][S2]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 842, Romans (4:2-16), [51:46-48], 45. [b]---------->[/b] [font="Times"][b]Gal. 2:16[/b][/font] [b]16.[/b] scientes autem quod non iustificatur homo ex operibus legis nisi per fidem Iesu Christi et nos in Christo Iesu credidimus ut iustificemur ex fide Christi et non ex operibus legis propter quod ex operibus legis non iustificabitur omnis caro [LV 409AD] [b]16.[/b] But knowing that man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, we also believe in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by the faith of Christ and not by the works of the law: because by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified. [DR 1609AD] --- [b]->[/b] This is another verse where heretics either through ignorance or want, try to make the interpretation '[i]the law doesnt save or the works, but your faith alone saves you.[/i]' Again they forgot its refering to the Old Law, the Mosaic Law, the same one St. Paul speaks of in the Roman verses they use for [i]Sola Fide[/i]. [b]19[/b] [b]16.[/b] by deeds of the law: I.e., by performng acts prescribed by the Mosaic law. [b][S][/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b] [b][S]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 784, Galatians (2:2-16), [47:18-19], 19. [b]---------->[/b] [font="Times"][b]Gal. 3:24-25[/b][/font] [b]24.[/b] itaque lex pedagogus noster fuit in Christo ut ex fide iustificemur [b]25.[/b] at ubi venit fides iam non sumus sub pedagogo [LV 409AD] [b]24.[/b] Wherefore the law was our pedagogue in Christ: that we might be justified by faith. [b]25.[/b] But after the faith is come, we are no longer under a pedagogue. [DR 1609AD] --- [b]16 [24-25][/b] Disciplinarian: the Greek paidagogos referred to a slave who escorted a child to school but did not teach or tutor; hence, a guardian or monitor. Applying this to the law fits the role of the law described in Gal 3:19-25.[b][S][/b] [b]->[/b] Our disciplinarian = our pedagogue [b][DR 1609AD][/b] [b]24[/b] [b]24.[/b] [i]our custodian:[/i] The termination of such discipline came with Christ, "end of the law" (Rom 10:4). Freedom from such discipline came with righteousness through faith in Christ.[b][S][S1][/b] [b][S][/b][url=""]USCCB NAB: Galatians 3:24-25 [Footnote][/url] [b][S]-[/b] [i]New Jerome Biblical Commentary[/i], 2nd Edition, Published 1990, Reprint: 1995,1996 & 2000. [i]Authors & Editors: Raymond E. Brown, S.S., Joseph A. Fitzmyer, S.J. & Roland E. Murphy, O'CARM[/i]. [b]Nihil Obstat & Impartiur[/b] [b][S1]-[/b] [i]NJBC[/i], 2nd Ed. Pub. 1990, Repr: 1995,1996 & 2000. - Page 787, Galatians (3:18-4:6), [47:25-26], 24. [b]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b] The key word that will forever be a thorn in the [i]Sold Fide[/i] will be "alone". St. Paul, St. Luke, St. Matthew, St. Peter and all other apostles, and writers of the New Testament never meant or taught such a doctrine, nor used the words "only" or "alone" to deal with faith. Pax Christi Iesu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StColette Posted August 18, 2004 Share Posted August 18, 2004 completely awesome post Morph Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorphRC Posted August 18, 2004 Author Share Posted August 18, 2004 Thankyou :-D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StColette Posted August 18, 2004 Share Posted August 18, 2004 yw nice title btw lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorphRC Posted August 18, 2004 Author Share Posted August 18, 2004 Arigato! :chinese: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StColette Posted August 18, 2004 Share Posted August 18, 2004 [quote name='MorphRC' date='Aug 18 2004, 06:30 AM'] :chinese: [/quote] Oh my !! hehehe how cute Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorphRC Posted August 18, 2004 Author Share Posted August 18, 2004 It just popped into my head, that dust had that on here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phatcatholic Posted August 18, 2004 Share Posted August 18, 2004 [quote name='StColette' date='Aug 18 2004, 06:17 AM'] yw nice title btw lol [/quote] ummm, yea, i have something to say about that. go [url=""][b]here[/b][/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StColette Posted August 18, 2004 Share Posted August 18, 2004 [quote name='phatcatholic' date='Aug 18 2004, 12:10 PM'] ummm, yea, i have something to say about that. go [url=""][b]here[/b][/url] [/quote] lol as I told you in that thread you provided, I told Morph you weren't going to agree with it lol The fight for this title may come down to a hehe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorphRC Posted August 19, 2004 Author Share Posted August 19, 2004 Lol. OMG You made a thread over me. WEIRDO! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
P3chrmd Posted August 19, 2004 Share Posted August 19, 2004 AWSOME POST MORPH...I hope you don't mind but I used alot of your post to start a new thread at the the theology section...but I gave you full credit of course!!!! again, great post! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorphRC Posted August 20, 2004 Author Share Posted August 20, 2004 Np Bro! Hopefully true scholarship will get thru to them! May the Force Be With You. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phatcatholic Posted August 20, 2004 Share Posted August 20, 2004 [quote name='MorphRC' date='Aug 20 2004, 12:42 AM'] May the Force Be With You. lol [/quote] hehe, Paladin-wanna-be Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MorphRC Posted August 20, 2004 Author Share Posted August 20, 2004 Lol So true So Not Gonna happen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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