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Book Recommendation

Mateo el Feo

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Mateo el Feo

I am just finishing reading the following book:

[url="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0965922855/qid=1092793801/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/103-1244714-8145439?v=glance&s=books&n=507846"]Inside Islam (link to Amazon.com)[/url] by Robert Spencer and Daniel Ali.

It's a quick read, and it is does not exaggerate and certainly is not emotional in it's discussion of Islam. The book is organized as 100 Q&A, and I'm finding it to be quite valuable.

Unfortunately, while most Westerners have forgotten their history (myself included), many Muslims have not.

Anybody else read this book?

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Not Me. Ive read 'The Sword of the prophet' By Serge Trifkovic. Excellent book on the militantcy in islam from the beginning.

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God Conquers

I began to read it, but leant it to a friend who was being challenged by a muslim friend... can't wait to get it back.

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Mateo el Feo

Just finished the book above. I'm also finishing up the following mini-book (~100 pages):

[url="http://marymediatrix.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=AIB&Product_Code=AIB-ARFM022"]Aquinas: On Reasons for Our Faith Against the Muslims, Greeks, and Armenians (link to www.marymediatrix.com bookstore)[/url]

Because most of the my experience defending/debating the faith is against other Christians, this is helping me a lot to understand dogmas like the Trinity and the Incarnation--the two primary dogmas that Islam rejects--that most Christians accept as fact.

Here is a link to Morph's book:

[url="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1928653111/002-9401654-1092010?v=glance"]The Sword of the Prophet: History, Theology, Impact on the World (Amazon.com link)[/url] by Serge Trifkovic.

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