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Yet Another Public Apology From Me


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I don't know how many of y'all know about the "In Conversation With God" meditation book series. Anyway, it has daily meditations based on the day's Mass readings or the liturgical season. Today's meditation was taken from the day's Gospel, which had to do with the rich young man who had so many possessions that he didn't want to part with them to follow Christ and thus went away sad.

In the meditation one of the points that was touched on was that sadness is a huge danger in the life of a Christian, as it can cause a person to distance themselves from God and leave them wide open to a ton of sins. I guess I've known this all along, but it didn't truly register with me until today's meditation -- it just hit me right between the eyes. You see, I've been sad A LOT lately. I may not have shown it on the phorum much, but it has definitely shown in the content of private messages and online chats I've had with a lot of you. And sure enough, as a result of all this sadness and negativity I've been having, I've been constantly feeling envious of people and lashing out at friends left and right. Various people on here have seen that! Heck, it's a wonder y'all haven't cut off all contact with me (at least I hope none of y'all have). In addition, I've discovered that it's far easier for me to give in to sins of impurity when I'm feeling this way.

At any rate, to those who have experienced my sadness and negativity firsthand, I'm very sorry, and I hope y'all can forgive me. I'm going to try with God's help to be positive from now on. It won't be easy, but I'm sure y'all have seen my sig. ;)

Edited by Dave
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Hey Dave--

Don't worry about it. We all have our down times, some more severe than others but we do. Also there's something that my friends always tell me and I tell them when they reach a tough time. "God doesn't choose the qualified, He qualifies the chosen." Also Phillipians 4:13 is good too.

Keep strong, and if you need someone to lean on, I'm here.

God bless


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Awww. :group: We love ya, Dave! Keep up the good fight!

[quote name='Dave' date='Aug 16 2004, 09:16 PM']I don't know how many of y'all know about the "In Conversation With God" meditation book series.  Anyway, it has daily meditations based on the day's Mass readings or the liturgical season.  [/quote]
My parents have those. I should start reading them, because they're really good.

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[quote name='VeraMaria' date='Aug 16 2004, 10:25 PM'] Wub ya Dave. :D


You rock. :cool: Stay strong. [/quote]
ditto and Amen!

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Dave you're an awesome guy, which is why it tore me up when you were sad all that time. I'm glad you're making an effort! Oh and btw, I forgive ya. :cool:

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Thank you for putting down an effort Dave! I know this'll be a biting cross for you, especially because none of us can really help it being put in a situation like that. I'll be there for u.

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God Conquers

Awesome Child of God!

The Lord is our source of Joy! Especially when a brother finds new joy in Him!

God bless ya!

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