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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Phatmass is awesome!! I am so glad that I found it! Now if I ever get discouraged at school about my faith or the faith of others, I know that I have not only my family but my phamily who will support me.

PM addiction strengthens and weakens but it is always there.

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My addiction goes in "cycles" too.

(Yes, must sound weird coming from me :rolleyes:)

There was actually time in January, February, April...I didn't get on PM much for a few weeks...

Of course, no one missed me :lol:

But anyway, now that school starts and I have my "social life" back (:P), I'll probably be busy...

But sometimes when Open Mic somehow tires me, I go to the Debate Table and read debates and take notes (yes I'm one of those freaks that actually takes notes so I can re-read them later...:rolleyes:)

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i dont think it was the personal threads.... i think my life got busier and suddenly theres not as much time in my day to think about it.

anyway.... we still like it dUSt but my addiction is starting to fade away.... cease to exist

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Im kinda not addicted any more lke i was postin like 200 times day two weeks ago now its like 2 times day u know it just everyone keeps talkin about the same

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Dust don't feel discouraged... Your helping to build up the kingdom of God!

I guess I don't want to be on the internet, I went to one rock, and I didn't feel like posting there.

Since yesterday (Sunday) I was riding my bike and I was singing a song that was sung at mass, then I shook and I kept praying... Which was kinda weird since i pray during thenight.

Now I just finished praying a rosary, I guess I can't stop praying... so I guess Dust, don't get discouraged!

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Well, I'm almost finished with 59beads.com, so maybe y'all can go there and pray soon.

One shouldn't spend so much time on the internet anyway.

Also, I noticed that OneRock has an arcade now. That's funny. I feel like some kind of innovator. Oh well.

I love you all and hope that phatmass helps you all be better Catholics. If so, I'm happy.

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It has Dust, you've helped me to turn into an Apologist!

Also, I went to Escanaba with some Church "nerds" like myself, and they were talking about certain things but couldn't remeber the name, like Redemptoris Sacramentum... They were suprised I knew that, and told me I would one day make a good priest!

Thanks a lot Dust!

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Yay for dUSt and phatmass! I guess I need to just take a break from phatmass, go through rehab or something! I will be back!

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[quote]Phatmass is crack for Catholics....[/quote]

True, so true.

Although I must admit, I just spent several days without PM this week and didnt have one convulsion.
I needed a break.

Also, yeah, sometimes I am so not into the threads. And I love to spend time in Debate but right now the threads there are either over my head or are rather redundant.

Its me, I am sure.

But I gotta tell you,
since I started posting here in March or April (?) this is the first 'break' I have had from Phatmass, so I must have really needed it.
I think I was burning out.

But everyone is welcome to instant message the carp outta me!!!!


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That explains why I opted out (last minute of course) of two graduation parties!!

"But Honey, Im on Phatmass!!!"

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