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Democrats And Republicans

MC Just

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='Aug 15 2004, 10:21 AM'] I'm sure that there are some members of the Democratic Party that are pro-life, but I left the Party when I realized that it was hopelessly in the control of forces inimical to the Catholic faith. The Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party of 40 years ago.

God bless,
Todd [/quote]
Well ... why yes there are:


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I think many are opposed, but they feel it doesn't belong in the U.S. Constitution - rather it's a matter of state's rights. I would have like to see such persistance from the Republican party and Bush to creating a proLife ammendment just like this no-gay-marriage ammendment came about all of the sudden, seeing that abortion is the most important issue that directly contradicts our national motto of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness and babies are still killed legally everyday.

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White Knight

[quote name='MC Just' date='Aug 15 2004, 09:53 AM'] Ok so, at the parish here they had a booth outside to register to vote. Me and my wife registered and then the topic of democrats and republicans came up and the lady at the booth started saying things like "Republicans only care about the rich" "they only care about money" She also said that the priest is also democrat, therefore she will be...The issue of abortion came up and it's "they have their choices" . It really upsets me. How can Catholics be like this?? It's like they think they are right and the teachings of the Church are wrong!!! [/quote]
I see, and hear the samething alot too, and I'm not Catholic, and I do think its a same that some believers' polticital views can get in the way of their and the teachings of their faith.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Aug 15 2004, 01:24 PM'] It is too bad the democrat party changed so much. It went super-liberal, or else I'd be a democrat myself.

Anyways, any Catholic who is pro-choice but not pro-abortion is anti-Catholic cause he is lieing to themselves.  You can't give a person a grenade and expect them to not use it. This is true especially if they don't know the power of one. Same for Catholics who want to give the power of murder to those who don't know how much murder taxes someones mind (esp. if they never knew it was murder, but were told otherwise). 

Oh man, the other day my friend said that Kerry was really only Pro-Choice, not pro-abortion. I was like  :blink: he plans to use taxes to pay for abortions... and then he got mad.

God bless,

Mikey [/quote]
dont our taxes already pay for abortion??? If not. I'm glad they dont because that means we are all accessories to murder doesnt it?

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Here in the Northeast, the views are just crazy. NY always swings Democrat. :sadder: I can't even begin to describe how many arguments I've gotten into with people because I'm Republican and planning to vote for Bush. I'm surrounded by Democrats...even my family. :(

But that's why every vote counts, why every vote can make a difference. You never know when your vote could be the one to change things. I'm know I'm preaching to the choir, but VOTE!!!

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Aug 15 2004, 10:09 AM'] Bush cut taxes in the 200,000-500,000 income range. Who earns that much money? Small business owners. What happens when small business owners earn more or have less taxes? They create more jobs.

Hellllooooo? Anyone in there??? :) [/quote]
Yes, but most Americans (ahem, electorate) do not have a lick of understanding about how wealth works. They believe that the people in that income range blow their money on expensive mansions and bling bling and lots of expensive cars. Rich Dad, Poor Dad should be required reading for every American and maybe then they'll understand what it takes to be wealthy and how gouging the rich in taxes ultimately will stifle small businesses and only allow large union run shops to stay in business. And which party do the unions give most of their money to???

edit: sorry for the bad grammar. I just had a huge sugar rush after lunch.

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I know a Catholic couple who believe what the Church teaches, yet when it comes to politics... it seems as if it goes right out the window. I mean, it's not even logical... it's living a double-sided lifestyle.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Aug 17 2004, 09:00 AM'] dont our taxes already pay for abortion??? If not. I'm glad they dont because that means we are all accessories to murder doesnt it? [/quote]
I think Bush might have done something about this (if so, woo-hoo!), but I know that women in the military used to (or still can) be able to get abortions for free (came out of taxes) when they were out of the country, etc. Abortions can be provided for free (out of taxes, again) to women on welfare, as well. If Planned Parenthood or other abortion mills (because they're not really [i]clinics[/i]) receive funds from the government (which I believe they sometimes do), that money would have come from taxes as well. Argh, it stinks. They take your taxes and use the money to murder babies. That's helpful. <_<

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