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Thy Geekdom Come

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Thy Geekdom Come

Well everyone, I'm off to college today. I hope to set up my computer first so that I can feed my phatmass addiction to the fullest. Maybe they should just lay me in a bed and insert intravenious LAN cables into my arms.

In any event, I love you all, pham, and I'll be on the library computers if not my own.

Pray for me!

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I will pray for you!

Especially that you place college first and phatmass second! (Unlike myself. :unsure: )

Is this your first semester at college or are you transfering?

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Thy Geekdom Come

I'm a sophomore transfer student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (the Huskers...your Sooners' archrival, TCW :P)

I'm gonna see if my former seminarianness can get me a job working with vocations or something for the Newman Center (which would be totally phat).

Newman Center has FOCUS, a bible study group founded by Dr. Scott Hahn, and it's in the uber orthodox diocese of Lincoln, so...

I am SO hooking up with the Catholic community.

Don't worry, I'll get brownie points. I'm gonna bring so many Huskers onto this board that you'll all get dizzy.

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Tcw, hun, are you jealous ? lol actually I probably have called you hun though u didn't notice, because I call everyone hun.

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I'm so jealous of all of you that are already back at college. Once it gets to the point in the summer where you are picking up stuff you need for school and are packing, I just want to go back...but I've got to wait till August 28th (The Feast of St. Augustine!). Two more weeks to go till I start my last year of school.... :angry:

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Aug 15 2004, 10:46 AM']I'm a sophomore transfer student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (the Huskers...your Sooners' archrival, TCW  :P)[/quote]
:bugeyes: :angry: THE HUSKERS!!! :irate: :shame: HOW COULD YOU [i]DO[/i] SUCH A THING!!!!! :cry: I can take you [i]living[/i] in Nebraska, but supporting the HUSKERS.... :club: :saber: ...[i]becoming[/i] a Husker... :shootme: :getaclue:

Why would you wanna go to that college? :scratch: :noidea: :hammer:

You are :crazy:

:scream: :leave:

deep breathes :skitzo: ...deep breathes... <_<


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