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[quote]I'm pretty sure he's a libertarian. [/quote]

Moore's definately not a libertarian!
Libertarians (at least all the ones I know) are extremely pro-gun rights and anti-gun control. Moore is pro-gun control.
Libertarians are also against government regulation of business.

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White Knight

Acually Socrates, we dont completely know the Governments Intentions on anything anymore, they say there for the freedoms and liberities of America, but in reality they wanna checkmark us. and say what we can and cannot do, control what we do and such. etc etc.

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[quote name='MorphRC' date='Aug 20 2004, 07:04 AM'] *Cough* Patriot Act, & Future Patriot Act II *Cough* [/quote]
Why do you comment about the things that are going on in our country when you dont even live here ?

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Noel's angel

Please, dearies, this is a movie thread, not a poitics thread, can we stick with disscussing movies please?????????? :unsure:

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[quote]Acually Socrates, we dont completely know the Governments Intentions on anything anymore, they say there for the freedoms and liberities of America, but in reality they wanna checkmark us. and say what we can and cannot do, control what we do and such. etc etc. [/quote]

I'm sorry, White Knight, but I'm not following how this relates to my post. ????

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White Knight

Hardcore Liberials claim they want family values and right to free speech, but thats not true at all, if anything there more anti-freedom of speech, anti-religion, anti-God, they are, what some political folks call "New Age Communists." [b](Note to self I did not say this, this is just what Ive been reading, from reports and stuff in government.)[/b]

But how this relates to topic, MM, is a Socialist Liberial, who has committed Treason, by giving information to America's Enemies. That is Morally wrong, you dont go telling the Enemy that were weak in a time of war in the (Middle Ages, Industrial Age, etc that would count for TREASON.) He hates America, He Hates Bush, He supports another attack against America, Hes against all our ideals for the War on Terrorism etc etc. He has Committed Treason.

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[quote name='reelguy227' date='Aug 21 2004, 12:43 AM'] Why do you comment about the things that are going on in our country when you dont even live here ? [/quote]
Cause America's stupidity always affects the world, especially its allies, and our Prime Minister is bushies best bud, so what Bush does he'll do, and dont want that carp here.

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