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Post Count Poker


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okay, before you post here you haveto check your post count, and add one point to it.. and then present it as your poker hand

duces are wild just to make it interesting, otherwise we won't have any jacks, queens, or kings.

I got a 7, Ace, 2, and a 4

My 2 is wild so it's another ace (aces are high in this game)

i have a pair of aces. if the next person beats my hand then the next person after that will have to beat theirs. when someone below looses to someone above, it is cleared and the next person can put down anything to start it

i'll show an example of what i mean

i have 7,A,A,4
next person posts AA33
next person posts AA55
next person posts AAA55 (that'd be like, littleflower or vera)
next person posts 4539
up, it's cleared, next person starts it over again with their post

get it? good, now let's see if the next person can beat my pair of aces

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rules r you haveto post your numbers on your posts

you have a 5 a 4 and a 0

0s are counted as 10s

so you got nothin, my Aces took the last hand

now i have 7125

i'm gonna make that 2 a 5 this time

so i have a pair of 5s

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two sixes beat two fours, i take the hand

now i have two pair: 7s and Aces (using the wild 2)


try beatin that!

zwergel, since you dont even have a chance with 3 cards, let someone else try to be it. people with 4 posts, post even if you can't beat it to clear the hand and start over.

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