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Is any degree of Zionism necessary for a person to be a faithful Catholic? I don't really pay too much attention to Israel all the time, but I just saw a documentary on HBO by British journalist James Miller, who was killed earlier this year by Israeli fire, filming the inside of Palestinian life and particularly the plight of Palestinian children. This really disturbed me and I don't think I can blindly say that I can just support Israel because Palestine is greedy and evil (which seems to be the popular American RW Christian position) anymore without reading further into the topic.

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From what i have heard there is no need to overly support Israel at all. Just to realize the roots of Christianity and to show respect to them.

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Zionism is anti-Christian and anti-gentile. You cannot be a good Christian and follow a form of system that is anti-christian or anti-gentile. Its like trying to be a Jewish Nazi, its an oxymoron.


[i]Zionism is an ideological movement among Jews (although supported by some non-Jews) holding that the Jewish people constitute a nation and are entitled to a national homeland. Formally founded in 1897, Zionism embraced a variety of opinions in its early years on where that homeland might be established. From 1917 it focused on the establishment of a Jewish National Homeland or state in Palestine, the location of the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Since 1948, Zionism has been a movement to support the development and defence of the State of Israel, and to encourage Jews to settle there.[/i]

[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism"]Wikipedia - Zionism[/url]


[b]Zionism & Racism[/b]

[u]Zionism and the Arabs[/u]

The early Zionists were well aware that Palestine was already occupied by Arabs, who had constituted the majority of the population there for over a thousand years. The Zionist leaders generally shared the attitudes of other Europeans of the period in the matters of race and culture. [b]In this view the Arabs were one of the world's many primitive races, who could only benefit from Jewish colonisation.[/b]


One Zionist fought against these ideas, Ahad Ha'am.

[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionism"]Wikipedia - Zionism[/url]



Even with this prelude, it was shocking when on November 10, 1975 the United Nations General Assembly adopted, by a vote of 72 to 35 (with 32 abstentions), its Resolution 3379, which states as its conclusion:

[b]Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.[/b]

The resolution also endorsed an August 1975 statement by the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries (Lima, Peru), that:

[b]...severely condemned Zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racist and imperalist ideology.[/b]

[b]US Gets Involved GWB Snr.[/b]

In the early 1990's as hope rose for a negotiated peace in the Middle East, the fight against Resolution 3379 intensified. Israel could not be expected to have any confidence in the United Nations until the stain of 3379 was removed. On September 23, 1991, in a speech given by President George H.W. Bush before the General Assembly of the United Nations he stated:

[b]...to equate Zionism with the intolerable sin of racism is to twist history and forget the terrible plight of Jews in World War II and indeed throughout history.[/b]

[b]The culmination of the long struggle came on December 16, 1991 when the UN General Assembly finally revoked Resolution 3379...[/b]

[url="http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_1967to1991_un_zionism_racism.php"]Palestinian Facts - UN, Zionism & Racism[/url]


[b]Forms of Zionism[/b]

[b]Religious Zionists[/b] saw their goal as steering the Jews' national regeneration on to more traditional paths, but those religious parties that shared political authority have been criticized for compromising their beliefs in return for the material trappings of power.

Many Jews put in as 'The Golden Age of David'. Israel's glory. Run by Ha-Torah. This in the end would mean, all Churches, crosses, chapels would be destroyed. Why?

[url="http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=17542"]Talmud & Christians[/url]

[b]1. Abhodah Zarah[/b] - Strange worship, idolatry. The Talmudic Tract on Idolatry is thus entitled: Obhde Abhodah Zarah - Idol Worshippers. That Abhodah Zarah really means the cult of idols is clear from the Talmud itself: "Let Nimrod come and testify that Abraham was not a server of Abhodah Zarah ." But in these days of Abraham there existed no strange cult either of the Turks or the Nazarenes, but only the worship of the true God and idolatry. In Schabbath (ibid. 82a), it says:
[color=blue]"Rabbi Akibah says: How do we know that [i]Abhodah Zarah, like an unclean woman, contaminates those who subscribe to it? Because Isaiah says: Thou shalt cast them away like a menstruation cloth; and shalt say unto it, Get thee hence."[/color][/i]
In the first part of this verse mention is made of idols made from gold and silver.
The learned Maimonides also clearly demonstrates that the Jews regarded Christians as Abhodah Zarah. In Perusch (78c) he says: "And be it known that Christian people who follow Jesus, although their teachings vary, are all worshippers of idols (Abhodah Zarah)."[2]

[url="http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud1.htm"]The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians: Rev. I. B. Pranaitis[/url]

[b]Extra Detail:[/b]

[i]Roman Catholic Priest; Master of Theology and Professor
of the Hebrew Language at the Imperial Ecclesiastical
Academy of the Roman Catholic Church
in Old St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg
Printing office of the
Imperial Academy of Sciences

St. Petersburg,
April 13, 1892
Archbishop Metropolitan of Moghileff [/i]



[u]Galatians 3:29[/u]

[b]3 29 LV[/b]
si autem vos Christi ergo Abrahae semen estis secundum promissionem heredes

[b]3 29 DRV[/b]
And if you be Christ's, then are you the seed of Abraham, heirs according to the promise.

The Land of Canaan. Belongs to Christians now. Not to disbelievers.

[url="http://www.latinvulgate.com/verse.aspx?t=1&b=9&c=3"]Latin Vulgate - English - Galatians 3:29[/url]


Edited by MorphRC
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Some Protestant groups will maintain that Christians are required, as a matter of faith, to support the State of Israel. This is based upon a misreading of the book of Revelation and theories on the end times. The Catholic Church does not hold to these interpretations of Scripture. While we respect the Jewish people as our fore-fathers in faith, we do not see the existence of an Israeli State to be integral to the Second Coming of Christ.

The Vatican supported the creation of the State of Israel after the Second World War. However, diplomatic relations have yet to be normalized between the two.

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oooo can i make a private revelation here?

"I will destroy this temple and in three days raise it up" - Jesus
"A day with the LORD is like 1000 years" -The Psalms

AHA! i knew it! in the year 3000 is when the temple will be rebuild, and then will come the end of the world! it makes perfect biblical sense... right? ;)



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Yeah, this is all good. Promoting peace and respect is a much better idea than trying to rush Jesus into the Second Comming.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 14 2004, 03:35 AM'] oooo can i make a private revelation here?

"I will destroy this temple and in three days raise it up" - Jesus
"A day with the LORD is like 1000 years" -The Psalms

AHA! i knew it! in the year 3000 is when the temple will be rebuild, and then will come the end of the world! it makes perfect biblical sense... right? ;)


lol [/quote]
Al Bro! You so smell of elderberries at this. -_-

"I will destroy this temple and in three days raise it up" - Jesus
"A day with the LORD is like 1000 years" -The Psalms

Its 1000 [3]ed = 1000000000

Duh! -_-


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1000 [Cubed] = 1000000000

You saying the Holy Spirit is directing you like that? And telling me differently?

IF thats so, then we both might be wrong!..coz He may be doing it to other people! :shock:

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lol, but why would they be cubed? the Bible says nothing about cubing them:

it says a day with the Lord is 1000 years

and then the Lord says he will rebuild the temple in 3 years

learn how to read word problems! it's clearly indicating multiplication, not powers!

so in the yr. 3000 the temple will be rebuilt. lol, don't u trust my interpretation? come on, just because this is the first time in 2000 years this theory has been presented doesn't mean it's not what it meant! :P :P :P :nanny:


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But I am a Jehovah's wittness and my watchtower magazine says otherwise! Your interpretation is wrong because my magazine is infallable :P

God bless,


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