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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='M.SIGGA' date='Aug 13 2004, 03:52 PM'] to all the fellas,

Once you get tired of trying to find a "nice" girl at all the parties, you know the kind you can bring home for the holidays, this sounds wierd, but all the really nice girls are the ones that take time to go to Eucharistic Adoration. I didn't believe it until I seen it for myself. On a Thursday night in the chapel it was like a Catholic Miss America Pagent. [/quote]
he he ^_^ that's a intersting view...

I leave 4 college the 25th! Wish me well! I'll come back to you all for support!

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[quote]On a Thursday night in the chapel it was like a Catholic Miss America Pagent.

That is by far the BEST thing I have heard ALL WEEK.

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The funniest thing I've seen at college is in the middle of winter. My college is right on Lake Michigan, and in the winter time, the wind is so strong and biting, it hurts to breathe. I've seen people walking in six inches of snow when it's 10 degrees F outside, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, shorts, and flipflops. They're insane!

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Becareful of some of the religious history classes ( well if you are at a non-Catholic college ) sometimes they are really awful lol

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[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 13 2004, 07:27 PM'] Becareful of some of the religious history classes ( well if you are at a non-Catholic college ) sometimes they are really awful lol [/quote]
Or even just non-relgious classes.

Like Art History.

Or Spanish.

Or English.

Or Humanities.

:( I encountered anti-Catholicism in all of them. Mostly ignorance.

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ooooooooh warning to Science Majors !!

Never miss a lecture class or lab class if you are a Science Major !!! It will completely mess you up !!

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For (the few if any..) commuter students

1. Bring your lunch/dinner/snacks to campus. It will save money and extra pounds.
2. Check out to see if your university offers a public transportation discount. (especially if you're in a city)
3. During the winter season remember that you have to walk between buildings (and trains or cars) so wear layers, hats, gloves, and scarves. You will look ridiculous if you are wearing anything less.


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[quote name='basssoon' date='Aug 13 2004, 10:39 PM'] 3. During the winter season remember that you have to walk between buildings (and trains or cars) so wear layers, hats, gloves, and scarves. You will look ridiculous if you are wearing anything less.
Unless you go to school in Hawaii or Florida or somewhere... but point duly noted...

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[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 13 2004, 11:10 PM'] lol

Coffee will become your new best friend, if you don't like coffee now you'll learn to lol [/quote]
Am I weird? Because I still don't drink coffee.

I drink iced tea, though. That makes me hyper. It's gotta have sugar, though, lol.

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[color=blue][b]I take no responsibility in the views I offer in this thread! [/color][/b]
there is no shame in using cardboard boxes as tables, the extra money you can spend on paper plates, and cutlery is a great idea, as long as you use them a couple times untill u can't tell whats been on them. If you don't like coffee, learn to like it it might become your best friend, Have fun cooking kraft dinner, try cooking the noodles in various liquids ie. juice, milk, i've actually cooked it in beer do anything you can to make it better! Make sure you have an extra key to your parents place you may need to "borrow" something. Many people become masters at procrastination other words known as sloth which is a deadly sin try not to procrastinate. Remember PRAYER is the utmost important thing in all you do

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