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Welcome To College


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Don't be scared. You do have fun. But I'm going to reiterate GO TO CLASS. It's a mistake I made one too many times, and my grades proved it.

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I highly recommend daily mass once or twice a week or even more if you can make it. It sure helped me keep everything in perspective during my last two years of college. I found that the more stressed and busy I was the more important it was for me to take the time out to go to mass.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Aug 13 2004, 11:57 AM'] UM while that is accepted amongest students, those who dress for success, 1) Show respect for the professor 2) take class with a greater degree of seriousness 3)usually do better in class 4) Inspire love with Modest dress.

I got all of this from reading "Love and Responsibility" by the Holy Father. When we dress to inspire love we are truly dressing modestly, not in mediocrity. When I started dressing better my Grades shoot up, way up. [/quote]
if I dress up or in pj pants and a tshirt it doesn't affect my grade nor my respect toward the professor. And since jeans and a tshirt is normal for me to wear it isn't that different than plaid pj pants and a tshirt. I have a 3.6 GPA so its not the pjs ;) or at least for me it's not.

Edited by StColette
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My college had a textbook library... we checked 'em out at the beginning of the semester and returned them in the end. We had the option to buy them if we really wanted to... What a money saver. There were some things we had to buy, but only a few...

Question for Raph... why did you mention staying off the sauce at least three times, but staying chaste only once??

I've also noticed that the dining situation at my alma mater is way better than it was when I was there... Don't get me started on the evils of eggburgers... (and DON'T ask HS_Dad... he was weird in college)...

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]Question for Raph... why did you mention staying off the sauce at least three times, but staying chaste only once??[/quote]

I only repeated it for humor's sake. I just picked one part of my advice and repeated it. I just happened to choose the sauce one...

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:D some more witty wisdom lol

1. put away your letterman jacket. you are not cool anymore.

2. to my fellow dudes, wash please. that raggedy hair gets nasty.

3. tribal tattoos are NOT cool anymore; don't let the upperclassmen fool you.

4. don't let your friends drive your car, EVER.

5. road trips are awesome!!! Edited by M.SIGGA
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lol M. Sigga u just reminded me of something lol

Say bye bye to your senior ring lol you won't be wearing it lol

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thanks for all the advice, it's very helpful i'm sure. i wasn't too nervous before (my friends have been since we got out of highschool!) but um.... now.....3 days before i move it...... i am getting a smidgen more nervous. pray for me!!!!!
melania :unsure:

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[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 13 2004, 03:40 PM'] Say bye bye to your senior ring lol you won't be wearing it lol [/quote]
haha I totally forgot mine existed until I just read this post. This might constitute a mortal sin, but mine cost $650 and I haven't worn it since graduation when my ex-gf gave it back.

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to all the fellas,

Once you get tired of trying to find a "nice" girl at all the parties, you know the kind you can bring home for the holidays, this sounds wierd, but all the really nice girls are the ones that take time to go to Eucharistic Adoration. I didn't believe it until I seen it for myself. On a Thursday night in the chapel it was like a Catholic Miss America Pagent.

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