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Seatbelt Blue

Dorm living is the best if you learn to get along with your roommate. My roommate and myself weren't best friends, but we got along pretty well and there's wasnt a lot of stress or fighting.

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[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 13 2004, 01:38 AM'] yeah usually I'm one of the ones asleep too ;)

Pj pants and tshirts will become your regular uniform to wear to class. A) because they are comfy and B) because you are too tired when you wake up to bother getting dressed lol [/quote]
UM while that is accepted amongest students, those who dress for success, 1) Show respect for the professor 2) take class with a greater degree of seriousness 3)usually do better in class 4) Inspire love with Modest dress.

I got all of this from reading "Love and Responsibility" by the Holy Father. When we dress to inspire love we are truly dressing modestly, not in mediocrity. When I started dressing better my Grades shoot up, way up.

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and yall expect me to remember all this when i get to college in three yeears!!!!

lol...at least i have heard it...its so strange how you remember some stuff at the most random times lol

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My advice for college...

Investigate you local Newman Center carefully before attending. Sit in the front of the class and carefully ask thoughtful questions. Believe me, I got a full time job that way. Attend every class if possible. If your uni offers an orientation class, take it ASAP. If you don't know what you want to do or be, take the classes your basics, and when it's time to enroll again, just take more of the ones you liked. You'll figure it out eventually.

If it takes you longer to finish your degree, or if you got a late start...don't worry. Don't think about the person who finished at 20. I mean, they're probably on their third husband or wife by now, they do everything so fast. :rolleyes:

Enjoy your time in college. If you didn't like high school...well...college is a whole new experience, and it could be your niche. :)

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Thy Geekdom Come

1. Spend some time in the union and at the movies with your friends, but don't make it the subject of college.

2. Floor study sessions can be a HUGE help.

3. Discuss your classes and their subjects with people. Discussion helps us to see other things that we may not have seen before. This is good, especially in a liberal arts education, such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, theology, political science, etc.

4. Stay off the sauce.

5. Develop healthy and routine eating and sleeping patterns.

6. Get to know your professors if possible.

7. Get to know your advisor.

8. Make sure you know your way around campus.

9. Stay off the sauce.

10. Keep an active prayer life.

11. Try to stay organized, if not altogether neat.

12. Stay off the sauce.

13. Put time limits on your internet access.

14. Try not to tick off or annoy your roommates.

15. Stay chaste.

16. Dress modestly.

17. Date nice Catholic girls/boys in accordance with Church teaching.

18. Go to Mass more than once a week, if possible.

19. In case I didn't mention it, stay off the sauce.

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i meant to post earlier... ah
i was gunna say this is all so helpful.
now if i can remember this next year i should be good ;)

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as far as # 17 goes micah, i think ill go for nice catholic guys...lol

Edited by lifeteenchick527
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='lifeteenchick527' date='Aug 13 2004, 02:02 PM'] as far as # 17 goes micah, i think ill go for mice catholic guys...lol [/quote]
You date mice?

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[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 13 2004, 03:01 AM'] oooh Don't be disappointed when you pay $600.00 for your books and then sell them back to the Uni for only $100.00 lol [/quote]
soooo true..... <_<

My advice:

Don't be like Sammy Blaze and procrastinate about selling back your books
I still have my entire freshmen year's worth of books under my bed, lol

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Aug 13 2004, 12:55 PM']

19. In case I didn't mention it, stay off the sauce. [/quote]
especially the hot and apple varieties...

:cool: ~S.

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Seatbelt Blue

About staying off the sauce.

I have discovered that a little Heinz 57 Sauce makes ANYTHING edible. Very useful in dining halls.

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Ash Wednesday

Ditto what Raphael said. Usually after your Freshman year, your peers will "calm down" but particularly in the first year, practically everyone around you will be drinking themselves sick. They will act like it's "a lot of fun" but in truth, a lot of those kids are miserable on the inside.

At times you will feel "experimental" about life. Do it in a positive and healthy way -- I'd rather see someone get into art and get a weird haircut, instead of drugs and drinking.

Have your parents send care packages.

Make friends that share your faith, and become well grounded in your faith. Chances are your faith will be challenged and tested, whether it is within yourself, an atheistic anti-religion intelligentsia professor (there are a lot of them), or your friends.

Men WILL date you, and do and say anything, JUST to 'score' now that you're 'legal.' Stay away from them.

There will be times your whole life feels like it is being turned upside down and inside out. This is normal, and just part of that fearless final leap into adulthood. (Though part of you will always remain a kid inside. Don't fear that you will lose that.)

P.S. Watch out for the "Freshman 15!" (Gaining weight because your parents aren't there to make you eat your vegetables, and there's ALL THIS FOOD in the dining halls.)

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Seatbelt Blue' date='Aug 13 2004, 02:10 PM'] About staying off the sauce.

I have discovered that a little Heinz 57 Sauce makes ANYTHING edible. Very useful in dining halls. [/quote]
Boycott Heinz 57.

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