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Anathemas Of 1054


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i was just watching an episode of Light of the East on EWTN. the episode talked about the split and hopeful reunion of the Catholic and Orthadox chuches, and how the Eastern Catholic church might help etc... while talking, the guest Western priest talked about the "anathemas of 1054" (i think this means the excomunications that were given). he said that in the 1960's the two chuches "assigned the anathemas to oblivian." then he kind of joking said that because of this if someone asks you about the anathemas, the proper responce is "what anathemas?" my question is, what dose it mean to assign them to oblivian? im guessing that he is refering the their removal. but dose it mean more than that? im just wondering how "obliviation" works? could i "assign to oblivian" a bad test grade? haha. thanks!

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It would be good I suppose if you could assign things to oblivion!!!
After a series of misunderstandings andgrowing apart the respective leaders of the churches of the East and the West excommunicated each other and their respective followers. It was only during the Pontificate of Paul VI and the Patriach of Constantinople that the mutual excommunication or anathenmas were lifted.
There is still much to do on this front as the Orthodox still have reservations about the Roman Catholic Church and its supposed territorial ambitions. Greece is still very anti-papal as is Russia the others not so.
The work goes on as we see the Patriarch and Pope John Paul praying together in St Peters of the Feast of Sts Peter & Paul.

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