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"what About The Baby?"

Lil Red

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White Knight

[quote name='Lil Red' date='Aug 12 2004, 12:26 PM'] This was in my pregnancy center's newsletter:

College students who support abortion typically offer six reasons for their views. Justice for All's exhibits rebuts each one.

[b]1. I'm not ready to be a parent. A baby will ruin my life.[/b]
[i]If you have helped to conceive a baby, you are already a parent.[/i]

[b]2. The circumstances of my pregnancy are unfair. I hate the father of this baby.[/b]
[i]Do you favor killing a child for the sins of her/his father?[/i]

[b]3. A fetus is not fully human. It's not like me.[/b]
[i]Should the right to life be based on size, form, or function?[/i]

[b]4. It's best for the baby. Who wants to grow up unwanted?[/b]
[i]Is violence ever a good substitute for not being loved?[/i]

[b]5. Abortion is legal. It's a woman's choice.[/b]
[i]Slavery was once a legal choice.[/i]

[b]6. It's a woman's body. I don't want this baby.[/b]
[i]Selfishness should not be lawful if it harms another person. [b]What about the baby?[/b][/i] [/quote]
Nice list List.

I say, if the Woman can't have the CHild or isn't ready to have the child, she sould give that child up for adoption, not kill it by having an abortion.

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thanks jess for posting that.....actually, Life should be respected from the earliest stages.....since Life is being attacked way before conception actually takes place.......from the sperm and the egg as well. To say life begins at conception can lead to an adherence to killing sperm and egg intentionally to not concieve, b/c it's not "conception" per se. Fr. Frank Pavone had issued a change of how the Pro-life movement needs to change it's approach since technology, etc, makes it possible to mess with sperm/egg outside it's natural settings...... Am I making myself clear? Let me know.....I sound confusing to myself...... :cyclops:

So to stay safe from all fronts, Life should be respected from the earliest stages.

I want a big Catholic family! It's cheaper by the dozen! :P

Hopefully I'll be this someday -----> :newlyweds:

but marriage first, then the kids! :D

Edited by jmjtina
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i love the argument of, why is life based on form, size or function? that covers the arguments of life, euthanasia, persistive vegitative state, etc.

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