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"what About The Baby?"

Lil Red

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This was in my pregnancy center's newsletter:

College students who support abortion typically offer six reasons for their views. Justice for All's exhibits rebuts each one.

[b]1. I'm not ready to be a parent. A baby will ruin my life.[/b]
[i]If you have helped to conceive a baby, you are already a parent.[/i]

[b]2. The circumstances of my pregnancy are unfair. I hate the father of this baby.[/b]
[i]Do you favor killing a child for the sins of her/his father?[/i]

[b]3. A fetus is not fully human. It's not like me.[/b]
[i]Should the right to life be based on size, form, or function?[/i]

[b]4. It's best for the baby. Who wants to grow up unwanted?[/b]
[i]Is violence ever a good substitute for not being loved?[/i]

[b]5. Abortion is legal. It's a woman's choice.[/b]
[i]Slavery was once a legal choice.[/i]

[b]6. It's a woman's body. I don't want this baby.[/b]
[i]Selfishness should not be lawful if it harms another person. [b]What about the baby?[/b][/i]

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Those reasons make me sick because there is no reason for having an abortion. I don't care how bad things are or how bad things seem, God always provides !!

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='StColette' date='Aug 12 2004, 05:11 PM'] Those reasons make me sick because there is no reason for having an abortion. I don't care how bad things are or how bad things seem, God always provides !! [/quote]
I think I'm going to make "God will provide" my title. I have always found great courage in that.

It is a message which must be spread everywhere.

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As a woman, I just can't understand abortion. Many women I know, myself included, have at least moderate if not intense maternal urges and instincts. How can you kill your own child? How could you not want a child?

It makes me so sad. I was disturbed for a week when I heard about that women who aborted the twins because she only wanted one. I kept thinking about it. Those children kept popping in my head during the day. It rips my heart out. :(

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Stuff like this makes me highly disappointed in my fellow college students, some of the brightest people when it comes to schooling but some of the most ignorant when it comes to morals !!!!!

lol Micah, that would make a great title, it's always one of my fav. sayings

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Madonna' date='Aug 12 2004, 05:17 PM'] As a woman, I just can't understand abortion. Many women I know, myself included, have at least moderate if not intense maternal urges and instincts. How can you kill your own child? How could you not want a child?

It makes me so sad. I was disturbed for a week when I heard about that women who aborted the twins because she only wanted one. I kept thinking about it. Those children kept popping in my head during the day. It rips my heart out. :( [/quote]
There are certain paternal instincts, too, although they certainly not as strong as maternal instincts. Paternal instincts usually kick in after the birth of the first child, unless the man was very influential in raising his siblings, cousins, etc. (ladies...your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find this man...he is well prepared). I think the main paternal instincts are to provide and protect, while I think the maternal instincts (which kick in at conception of the first child) are to nurture and love. As a man, I can't understand why any man would stand by and do nothing to stop the murder of this child...I mean..."that's your purpose! Protect that child!" Argh!

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the answers too those ?s r soooooo bad!! it makes me so angry....i mean wat if ur mom had an abortion? hten you wouldnt be here!!! i mean life starts at conception!!! can i not get that through any louder!!! [color=red][font="Impact"]LIFE STARTS FROM CONCEPTION!![/color][/font]

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[quote]I think the maternal instincts (which kick in at conception of the first child) are to nurture and love. [/quote]

Gosh, I think they kick in way before that. I have not had children. I helped raise my little brother (10 years my junior), and I feel very maternal around him and other children. Even when I [i] see [/i] babies. Wow, I love kids. I get overwhelmed just talking about it. I can't wait to have my own bus full. :D

[quote]As a man, I can't understand why any man would stand by and do nothing to stop the murder of this child...I mean..."that's your purpose!  Protect that child!"  Argh![/quote]

I know. Where are all the real men?

Edited by Madonna
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Madonna' date='Aug 12 2004, 05:45 PM']
Gosh, I think they kick in way before that. I have not had children. I helped raise my little brother (10 years my junior), and I feel very maternal around him and other children. Even when I [i] see [/i] babies. Wow, I love kids. I get overwhelmed just talking about it. I can't wait to have my own bus full. :D

I know. Where are all the real men? [/quote]
Good to know.

I suppose I meant the maternal feelings toward a mother's own child in this circumstance...you know, how some mother's can tell if it's a boy or girl...they just know...

As for the real men...not to put in shameless plug or advance myself in any way, but psychologically speaking, former seminarians are suppost to have among the most successful marriages. The reasons, I am told, are several:

1. They have had exposure to public life and therefore know how to behave.
2. They pray often and their prayers are often well favored for having looked into the priesthood (it's all up to God, really).
3. They know how to discern possibilites.
4. They have been under strict control before and can handle a need for discipline in order to raise a family.
5. They are prepared in basic life skills very well.
6. They most often have some counseling experience.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote]Wow, I love kids. I get overwhelmed just talking about it. I can't wait to have my own bus full. [/quote]

Cool! Then you can teach them to sing and drive around in the bus like the Partridge Family! :cool:


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[quote name='Raphael' date='Aug 12 2004, 06:53 PM'] Good to know.

I suppose I meant the maternal feelings toward a mother's own child in this circumstance...you know, how some mother's can tell if it's a boy or girl...they just know...

As for the real men...not to put in shameless plug or advance myself in any way, but psychologically speaking, former seminarians are suppost to have among the most successful marriages. The reasons, I am told, are several:

1. They have had exposure to public life and therefore know how to behave.
2. They pray often and their prayers are often well favored for having looked into the priesthood (it's all up to God, really).
3. They know how to discern possibilites.
4. They have been under strict control before and can handle a need for discipline in order to raise a family.
5. They are prepared in basic life skills very well.
6. They most often have some counseling experience. [/quote]
Raphael it depends on why they left the seminary. The ones I know of made very poor husbands indeed. If they left for psychological difficulties, marriage won't help much.

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[quote name='Madonna' date='Aug 12 2004, 04:17 PM']As a woman, I just can't understand abortion. Many women I know, myself included, have at least moderate if not intense maternal urges and instincts. How can you kill your own child? How could you not want a child?

It makes me so sad. I was disturbed for a week when I heard about that women who aborted the twins because she only wanted one. I kept thinking about it. Those children kept popping in my head during the day. It rips my heart out. :([/quote]
Ditto to all that. :(

Why are children seen as disposable property? It makes me sick. :sadder:

Gosh, I think they kick in way before that. I have not had children. I helped raise my little brother (10 years my junior), and I feel very maternal around him and other children. Even when I see babies. Wow, I love kids. I get overwhelmed just talking about it. I can't wait to have my own bus full.[/quote]
I want my own bus full, too. ^_^

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I want a bus full too. my maternal care kicked in way early mostly because I became an aunt when i was 10 so its just horrible to see how women can so easily give up a child through abortion its just sickening

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 12 2004, 06:37 PM'] Raphael it depends on why they left the seminary. The ones I know of made very poor husbands indeed. If they left for psychological difficulties, marriage won't help much. [/quote]
Well, I meant the average former seminarian, of course. Sorry.


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