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Vatican II


Do you think the Church in America today is what the Vatican II council had in mind when they called for reform?  

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[quote name='Madonna' date='Aug 13 2004, 01:01 PM'] I was offended at first and you are most definitely forgiven. I am new to phatmass. I was deeply confused to why everyone was jumping all over and talking to me in a condescending manner. I have not addressed anyone as so. I think that it is bad debating form not to give the other person respect, so in trying to see it from your side, I realized that Vatican II is probably a severely touchy subject here that has most probably taken a turn for the worst when discussed. However, I think we should be adults here. I am interested in learning more and getting other people's perspective. If sensitivity can be set aside, I would appreciate having a respectful discussion on Vatican II. [/quote]
Ah, I want to apologize. Now that you have explained in more detail I understand where you are coming from. It was the way you phrased one of your statements that confused me.

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Now that we have all of that cleared up....

Regarding abuses and the liturgy, I think the Magisterium has made clear that the abuses and the liberties are not what was intended by the Council Fathers (or by the subsequent documents on the liturgy). I think most of it come from a misinterpretation of "active participation," the priesthood of the faithful, and the "sense of the faithful."

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 13 2004, 11:32 AM'] Ah, I want to apologize. Now that you have explained in more detail I understand where you are coming from. It was the way you phrased one of your statements that confused me. [/quote]
Definitely forgiven. :)

Are there other people here that have been to a Mass where the kinds of abuses I mentioned take place? I dislike feeling so helpless when these abuses occur.

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I am sure there are. However I have rarley experienced them in the Pittsburgh diocese.
Where are you?

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Archdiocese of New Orleans when I'm not at school. Archbishop Hughes has been putting the smackdown on a lot of abuses and bad catechesis. (I feel bad that I could not think of a better word than "smackdown" :huh: :P ) My parents had a great conversation with him last night. He's such a down to earth man. :)

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Personally, the only abuses I have seen have been minor (something I might notice, but not something worth writing the bishop over). I have heard of serious abuses though, so I know they happen.

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I had self-service communion during Lent two years ago. I can't stand it. It doesn't even feel like a real Mass. After this summer, I'll have to start going back there and I don't want to.

Oh and I just noticed that our parish website now links the ACLU. Give me a break. They also link a local magazine that is currenty taking pre-orders for their "Stop Bush" issue. Another link is to a local peace organization, which in turn links a site suggesting moral Christians are zealots.

Edited by thedude
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Diocese of Toledo in Ohio. The new here Bishop is actually quite excellent. I don't think he's visited my parish yet...

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[quote name='Madonna' date='Aug 13 2004, 11:34 AM'] Definitely forgiven. :)

Are there other people here that have been to a Mass where the kinds of abuses I mentioned take place? I dislike feeling so helpless when these abuses occur. [/quote]
i have defintiely been to "abusey" Masses (although some of your examples are even worse than mine :P) and i feel helpless too. i find it hard because i feel like i can do nothing: sure i can write to the bishop, but i'm sure they get complaints all the time and don't want to seem whiney. and i don't want to be disrespectful... and plus, what if the problem stems from the bishop? nothing would happen anyway...
Vatican II was such a beautiful moment in our Church's history, it just makes me sad that some grossly misinterpret the whole thing

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I am also in the diocese of Toledo and I definitely know what you are talking about concerning the abuses. I've seen puppets, songs like Somewhere Over the Rainbow, a Shakespeare/Opera singer priest who uses a spotlight, and a priest who didn't like individual confessions, only general absolution. When our last bishop died, one of the news reporters said that our diocese was one of the most liberal. They actually admitted it! The diocesan paper, on a regular basis, had letters from nuns who were always complaining that they couldn't be priests. I used to live in Toledo, and there is a strong socialist presence and most of these people are very liberal Catholics. (Amchurch)

But, I believe our new bishop is a God send. He has had mass at my parish and his homily was very orthodox. He seems to be a holy and humble shepherd. He sure has had a lot on his plate since he was installed. There are many serious issues that need his attention, and Bishop Blair needs our daily prayers. If you are ever in Toledo, mass at St. Joseph's on Locust St. in downtown Toledo is very reverent, and they have the indult mass two Sundays a month and every Thursday. The other Sundays and weekdays, the New Mass is celebrated very reverently. My family goes to this mass once in awhile; we would like to go every week, but it is over an hour drive for us.

God bless,

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[quote name='Madonna' date='Aug 13 2004, 11:43 AM'] Archdiocese of New Orleans when I'm not at school. Archbishop Hughes has been putting the smackdown on a lot of abuses and bad catechesis. (I feel bad that I could not think of a better word than "smackdown" :huh: :P ) My parents had a great conversation with him last night. He's such a down to earth man. :) [/quote]
I really like the traditional changes he's brought back to St. Louis Cathedral. Archbishop Hannan got rid of most of the stuff in the 60's and 70's and 80's.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Aug 14 2004, 12:39 AM'] I'm reading a great book called "What Really Went Wrong with Vatican II." And no, the guy loves the council! [/quote]
I've seen that book before, and I wish I had it. Tell us what you think of it when finished.

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