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Vatican II


Do you think the Church in America today is what the Vatican II council had in mind when they called for reform?  

88 members have voted

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My parish plays all sorts of goofy songs. One of them I think was from the Top 40 Dance list. Not kidding.
Anyway, we have bongo drums and all sorts of instruments that sound weird together. Music is the least of our problems though...
Someday I will be allowed to drive the car myself, and I'll go the extra 2 minutes to the other Church in town.

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Aug 12 2004, 07:45 PM'] This makes me want to get the video of the mass we had at the Phatmass04 event up... How I wish every mass was like the one we had... :( [/quote]
I echo that. That was probably the best Mass (granted, all Masses are amazing and wonderful and the most important thing anyone could ever be a part of, but this particular one was especially beautiful) I've ever been to in my life.

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Thedude, I do not know if you know this, but there is a modern song based on the second part of the Brady Bunch theme. I wish I could remember the name. If I remember it, I will tell you the name. Also, Canon Law dictates that each individual must attend the parish in his area (the closest to his house) unless he is part of an Order (for example, if you went to a Traditional Latin Mass with the FSSP). Canon Law also dictates that one can receive the Sacraments from a nonCatholic 'minister' if there is a "physical or moral impossibility" to attend a Catholic Mass (i.e., he is too far away to make it or the Mass is illicit or invalid or in some way causes a moral impossibility for him). I do not know if this canon applies to other Catholic churches. You would have to ask a Canon Lawyer or, the thing that really counts, the Pastor of your local church (because he is the one who has canonical authority over you and can legitimately decide in the matter). God bless.

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[quote name='amarkich' date='Aug 12 2004, 10:04 PM'] Also, Canon Law dictates that each individual must attend the parish in his area (the closest to his house) unless he is part of an Order (for example, if you went to a Traditional Latin Mass with the FSSP). [/quote]
No, that's not true anymore. In addition, liturgical abuses that wouldn't invalidate the Mass wouldn't be enough to make it ok for a person to receive the sacraments from a non-Catholic minister.

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[quote name='thedude' date='Aug 12 2004, 08:43 PM'] My parish plays all sorts of goofy songs.  One of them I think was from the Top 40 Dance list.  Not kidding.
Anyway, we have bongo drums and all sorts of instruments that sound weird together.  Music is the least of our problems though...
Someday I will be allowed to drive the car myself, and I'll go the extra 2 minutes to the other Church in town. [/quote]
I can top this; I went to a parish once on Easter Sunday and there was no communion hymn, but the "inspirational/contemplative" melody was "I Believe I Can Fly" by R.Kelly, and some teens standing in the back started singing it.

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I would like to note that I voted yes - but with one MAJOR clarification.

I believe we would be where they wanted us to be if we followed the plans they set for us. In other words it's all about the implimentation and how for example w/ EEM's they are not so extraordinary in many parishes.

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Would "Teach Your Children Well" by the Grateful Dead (I think) be just as bad or even worse? I once heard that played after Communion at a local priest's ordination anniversary Mass when I was in college.

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Actually, Dave, a quick review of the canons relevant seems to show that whenever possible we are to attend our local (territorial) parish. It doesn't word it as strongly as the 1917 code, but the intent is clear.


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[quote name='PedroX' date='Aug 13 2004, 12:16 AM'] Actually, Dave, a quick review of the canons relevant seems to show that whenever possible we are to attend our local (territorial) parish. It doesn't word it as strongly as the 1917 code, but the intent is clear.

peace... [/quote]
But my point was it's not binding under pain of sin or anything like that.

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[quote name='PedroX' date='Aug 12 2004, 11:16 PM'] Actually, Dave, a quick review of the canons relevant seems to show that whenever possible we are to attend our local (territorial) parish. It doesn't word it as strongly as the 1917 code, but the intent is clear.

peace... [/quote]
What if you just tithe to your local (territorial) parish and attend Mass elsewhere? My parents have religiously supported the local parish every week by mailing off the envelopes but they physically go to Mass across the city.

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The other Church is still in my town. We have a university parish and a regular one. I'm not even sure which one is closer to my house. My parents just say the bad one is as an excuse not to go to the other one (where my dad cannot stand the priest). We are actually members at the other one and not at the bad parish we attend. I even received all my sacraments and CCD classes there.

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God Conquers

[quote name='MorphRC' date='Aug 13 2004, 03:29 AM'] This will reflect bad and negativism against the Church and JPII. And Should be closed. [/quote]
I disagree, JPII is currently the driving force behind the new orthodoxy being promoted by the magisterum.

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[quote name='MorphRC' date='Aug 13 2004, 03:29 AM'] This will reflect bad and negativism against the Church and JPII. And Should be closed. [/quote]
I disagree as well. That was not my intention in starting this thread. I think the Church in America (individual priests and some bishops) have butchered the liturgy, using Vatican II as an "excuse". In actuality, Vatican II barely even touched on the liturgy. This is about the extent that Vatican II documents addressed the liturgy:

[quote] Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations, which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy.[/quote]

[i]paragraph 14 of Sacrosanctum Concilium [/i]

Edited by Madonna
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