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So, I started helping out with RCIA at my parish, and tonight was the first night of inquiry classes. It's been exactly one year since I made the decision to become Catholic, left my church, and started RCIA.

I sat in the class tonight and couldn't help but think back over the past year, how so much has changed around me and in me ... at this time last year I was [i]so scared[/i]. I was leaving a church that I loved, and where I knew I was loved and had a strong network of friends, and going into totally uncharted waters, where I didn't know many people and was really unsure of how things would work out.

I remember going to Mass, I'd sit in the back of the church by myself, and I'd cry through a lot of the service, and then I'd leave right away. It was awful. I was lonely, and questioning my faith and whether I was really doing the right thing, and I was just scared about the future.

Now, a year later, in many ways I'm in a totally different place. I've grown closer to some friends, and am making new friends and getting really involved in my parish. I don't hide any more when I go to Mass ... I love it. I've learned a lot about my faith, both in terms of intellectual understanding and in terms of the practice of living it out. And, I'm excited to be able to walk with some other people along their own journeys.

I guess it was just really cool to reflect tonight on how good and faithful God is. I forget that sometimes, or question it when I'm faced with big changes and I don't know what's going to happen. But when I look back, and remember how He's sustained me and given me grace throughout my life, I am encouraged that he will continue do the same in the future.

God is good, all the time.

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I've been reflecting quite the opposite over the last day or so... I'm homesick... I know we did the right thing, but I miss people... I hope things will get better in the fall.

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SO interesting to see you two post on this, because I've actually been thinking about this a lot--where I was a few months ago, where I am now, where I'm going.

I am eager to get involved with my parish; I want to meet people--so far I really only know my priest and the couple who was at the RCIA meeting with me. I'm starting RCIA in two weeks, which is awesome. I already really identify with "Catholic", but I haven't made the formal break with my other church yet (the end of the month), and I haven't talked to my siblings about it (also the end of the month--various reasons). I'm making plans to get involved with our local Young Adult ministry--they meet to pray the rosary every Friday night, and I plan to go to that first. (Praying with random people I don't even know! Who'd'a thunk?)

Yet I have so many people who haven't been a part of my journey. How to talk to them? When? It's all still so new...

It's a crazy time (which you've both been through). And yet, God shows me more and more that he's directing me this way. That's an amazing thing, to have that confidence. He's also showing me areas of sin in my life that I didn't realize had taken hold like they have. Wow. The Holy Spirit has some pruning to do! :ph34r:


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HSM: I prescribe the book of Tobit (AKA Tobias)

"After a storm thou makest calm, and after tears and weeping thou pourest in joyfulness." Tobias 3:22 DRV

PS listening to a song called "Cotton Eye'd Joe" always makes me feel at home too...but uh...Tobit.

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[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Aug 15 2004, 12:24 PM'] PS listening to a song called "Cotton Eye'd Joe" always makes me feel at home too...but uh...Tobit. [/quote]
:o I love that song!!!!!

When I was in college, I was on the yearbook staff, and listened to various arrangements of it for hours when I was laying out pages. It was a friend's CD, and I never bought it, and haven't thought of it for years, but it's a great crank-up-the-volume song. Yay!


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