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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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basically, the indirect object and direct object is like this (and don't get discouraged if you forget it when you're talking to someone.)

Direct object

me ayudas.........You are helping me
te ayudo.........I am helping you
lo ayudas........you are helping him/it
la ayudas.........you are helping her/it
los ayudo.......I am helping them/you all
las ayudo.......I am helping them/you all

Indirect object

me dices..........you are telling (to) me
te digo...........I am telling (to) you
le digo...........I am telling (to) you/him/her/it
les digo..........I am telling (to) them/you all

The direct object is always the more difficult one. Basically, you use the direct object whenever you can't insert "to" into the English translation. You can't say "I am helping to them." It doesn't make sense. The hard part about the direct object is remembering gender. Also, if you can say it like "I am helping [b]him[/b]." You can also say "I am helping [b]you[/b] the same way. It would be like "Lo ayudo." That's because it's kind of like talking to a king or queen, you would use the third person. more later............

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

There was an acronym to help me remember the order to put all those in... I cannot remember it though... Time to find my book and dictonaries...

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this is odd but helpful

if you have AIM add the s/n smarterchild to your buddylist

smarterchild is a reference robot built into AIM

you can ask it to translate english to 5 or 6 different languages including spanish

simply type into the message window "translate _____ from english to spanish" and boom its done

works for me, you prolly already knew about it tho

hope i helped

good luck


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  • 3 weeks later...
Piccoli Fiori JMJ

wow, thanks! I started on Monday... It was bad... the homeowrk was worse. I didn't really do it all. I'm a bum. The acronym for direct indirect and reflexive order in a sentence is RID... I just remebered.

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Sep 1 2004, 09:29 AM'] The acronym for direct indirect and reflexive order in a sentence is RID... I just remebered. [/quote]
:freak: stop, you're bringing back terrible memories...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I have to remember the spanish and all the silly things they taught me in Spanish! I can't fail the class! But if you want, you can help me out! ^_^

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oh yes, spanish, I'm sure it will get easier as you get back into it. I just signed up for my 5th year of spanish in high-school, and I haven't hardly at all practiced over the summer. :rolling:

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