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The De Vinci Code, How To Tell Its Wrong.

White Knight

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White Knight

Now this is a huge issue among Catholics, and Non-Catholics and even Non-believers.....

But how do you change ones mind about the [b]"Highly Flawed"[/b] book entitled. "The De Vinci Code?"

Most hardcore people who are really into the book say, that its "Closer to reality and such, and that Christ did marry Mary Magedelane." How do you convience them that the De Vinci Code is nothing more than lies and Hershies? I can think of, the obvious. Prayer and Scripture.

Edited by White Knight
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There are several books debunking the Da Vinci code. One of them is "Fact and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code" by Steve Kellmeyer, who is an orthodox Catholic (I heard him at a Theology-on-Tap talk last week). It points out inconsistencies.

But the main thing I would tell people is:


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Carl Olsen wrote a really good 2 part article for Envoy magazine, let me see if I can find it.

[url="http://www.envoymagazine.com/planetenvoy/Review-DaVinci-part1.htm"]Part One[/url]

[url="http://www.envoymagazine.com/PlanetEnvoy/Review-DaVinci-part2-Full.htm"]Part Two[/url]

Edited by Lil Red
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Guest JeffCR07

I've given a couple talks about it. If you want me to give you a much more detailed response, I can, but the fundamental problems with his argument are twofold.

First, he argues the canonical gospels to be a "winners write the history" situation, however, we can expect propoganda as such to either a.) cast the winners in a good light, or b.) cast the loser in a bad light, which they dont do.

Also, he argues that there is an alternate source that tells the "true story." Almost exclusively, he sights the gnostic gospels, the earliest of which was written in the beginning of the 4th century.

However, his most grevious flaw is that he attempts to use the gnostic gospels in order to back up the assertion that Christ was entirely human. This is flat out ridiculous, considering the gnostics believed in a "superdivine" jesus, who wasn't human at all.

that last point right there pretty much shoots his credibility to nothing, and disproves his argument, but if you'd like, I could type a much longer critique of his assertions.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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I have never read the book, but have heard much about it. Is it worth reading for pointing out such fallacies, or too sketchy?

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always check the reference section first ;)

the following articles are from the [url="http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=9728"][b]Anti-Catholicism entry[/b][/url]:

[i]Dan Brown's [b]The Da Vinci Code[/b][/i]
--[url="http://www.catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=5342"]Dismantling [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i][/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=36&art_id=19562"]Book Review: [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i][/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=1&art_id=20640"]Gnostics Are Back[/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=1&art_id=20912"][i]Resurrection[/i] vs. [i]DaVinci[/i][/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=1&art_id=21119"]Lies with Wings[/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=6&art_id=21198"]Inventing a Religion of Intolerance[/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=66&art_id=22091"]Explaining the Gullibility of [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i][/url]
--[url="http://catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?vm_id=2&art_id=22996"]Pain: [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i] vs. [i]The Passion[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/ISSUES/ZDAVINCI.HTM"]Debunking [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i][/url]
--[url="http://ewtn.com/library/ISSUES/ZTRUTDAV.HTM"]The Truth Behind [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i][/url]
--[url="http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=50581"]The Truth Behind [i]The Da Vinci Code[/i]: Carl Olson Analyzes the Controversial, Confusing Best Seller[/url]
--[url="http://catholic.net/us_catholic_news/template_article.phtml?article_id=1004&channel_id=1"]The Cardinal and the [i]Code[/i][/url]
--[url="http://www.carl-olson.com/articles/tdvc_abc_ncreg1.html"]Carl Olson on a Prime Time Fiasco: ABC Takes On Jesus, Mary, and Da Vinci[/url]
--Cracking the Anti-Catholic Code: Parts [url="http://www.envoymagazine.com/planetenvoy/Review-DaVinci-Part1.htm"][b]One[/b][/url] and [url="http://www.envoymagazine.com/PlanetEnvoy/Review-DaVinci-part2-Full.htm"][b]Two[/b][/url]
--[url="http://www.catholicexchange.com/vm/index.asp?art_id=23630"]Dan Brown and His Books of Renown[/url]
--[url="http://www.bringyou.to/apologetics/DaVinciCode.htm"]The Da Vinci Code Fraud: Cracked by the Critics[/url]
--[url="http://www.catholic.com/library/cracking_da_vinci_code.asp"]Cracking the Da Vinci Code[/url]

pax christi,

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Reading trash like that can have a very bad effect on one's faith in the Church.
My mom read it. Whenever I talk to her about something the Church teaches, she normally disagrees. But lately she has been using this line "they're men." As if this just completely debunks the whole thing. Bible? written by men. Sacred Tradition? Men. no birth control? Celibate old men who don't know anything. she's impossible.
I blame the Da Vinci Code for exacerbating an already frustrating home life.

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[quote]if you'd like, I could type a much longer critique of his assertions.[/quote]
I would like that, if you don't mind.

[quote]Even National Geographic did a program on how it wasn't true.[/quote]

You wouldn't happen to know how I could get a hold of that do you? Or any info on it like title and date or anything. Gracias.

Have a good night.

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