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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Liturgical Abuses


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I am concerned about some liturgical practices I see at local parishes. However, I have a hard time detailing them after they happen, mostly because my mind is not focused on them, but attempting to focus on Jesus.
Would it be wrong to attend a Mass solely to document perceived abuses, so as to study and determine whether they are in fact licit practices?

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8/9 - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross


Before you start to document anything, I'd just share your concerns with the pastor, and then hear him out - maybe he's within his limits, maybe he's not. But I wouldn't recommend attending Mass just to criticize it, for St. James tells us that "he who sits in judgment over the law is not subject to the law" - but we're all subject to liturgical law, since we don't sit in judgment over it. Hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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