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Who Do We Thank?


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Who took the Ten Commandments off the school walls?
Who says we can't pray in the morning at school?
Who says porn is free speech?
Who says do not spank?
Who says have safe sex teens?
Who says it's ok for ssa?
Who has been trying to make God a four letter word?
Who tells us we must seperate our faith from our daily lives?

The liberal democrats.... I blame the liberal democrats for the lack of morals in this country... I blame them for the teens that do not develop properly... Just as Justice Webber from the 1940's stated that if we take the 10 commandments off the walls of the school, the crime rate will skyrocket.... the man was right.


Girl accused of stabbing grandparents had 'kill' on to-do list

The Associated Press - FAYETTEVILLE, Ga.

Kill, keys, money, jewelry.

Those words were written as a to-do list on 15-year-old Holly Harvey's arm when she was arrested the day after her grandparents were stabbed to death in their suburban Atlanta home.

The girl recruited her 16-year-old lesbian lover to help her kill Carl and Sarah Collier because the grandparents, who Harvey lived with, had ordered her to stop seeing her friend and stop using drugs, the lead investigator in the case said Thursday.

.....[url="http://www.accessnorthga.com/news/ap_newfullstory.asp?ID=43069"]read it all[/url]

[b]The Xbox murders [/b]
6 in Fla. were slain over game

BY ROSE DAVIS in Deltona, Fla.,
and DAVE GOLDINER in New York

A stolen Xbox video-game system triggered a brutal Florida massacre that killed six people, including an upper Manhattan man who was "in the wrong place at the wrong time," cops and friends said yesterday.
Police say hulking ex-con Troy Victorino sicced three bat-wielding pals in Ninja-style black outfits on the houseful of friends whom he blamed for stealing the game console and his clothes.

One of the innocent victims was ex-New Yorker Roberto (Tito) Gonzalez, 28, who was staying at the house only because he had to drive to a house-painting job with a friend the next morning.

"How can all that happen for an Xbox?" asked Eva Echavarria of Deltona, Fla., whose boyfriend grew up with Gonzalez. "He didn't even have anything to do with it," she added. "He was just there in the wrong place at the wrong time."

.... [url="http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/220415p-189363c.html"]Read it all[/url]

God Bless,

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='MorphRC' date='Aug 9 2004, 09:59 AM'] Secularists have caused a materialistic thinking in this world. :( [/quote]
In America, liberal democrats are the secularists.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Aug 9 2004, 10:22 AM'] In America, liberal democrats are the secularists. [/quote]
Sad, but true.

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Actually.... now that I think of it... we can thank Luther, Calvin, Knox, etc... Those who rejected the Church esteblished by Christ and opened the door to chaos so that people were their own pope... what was right and wrong was between them and God, not the Church left to us by God. The roots of the evils we have today are from the men of the 1500's.

If they who left the Church remained faithful to what they had learned of Christ, then none of this would ever be happening, nor would there be abortion allowed.

Everything bad in society came from people rebelling against the Church that Christ established.

She truely is our mother... only wants what's best for us.... and loves us.

I thank God that I'm Catholic, it would be horrible any other way. It's great how we have solid answers.

God Bless,

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