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Ok well after reading several posts about missing Mass and about it being a sin or not. I feel compelled to post and ask for you opinion on my situation.
Put it simple, most of ya'll prolly know I'm a Catholic in training lol (AKA non Catholic parents trying to convert but practices my faith) so reading that sentence, I obviously am not allowed to attend Mass, is it a sin that I don't attend?

Also, I've been curious about this for a while...Would you say it is wrong of me to pray the Rosary, say Catholic prayers, practice my Faith, when I haven't had the blessing of being Baptised or recieving Communion?

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You are allowed to attend mass. You're just not allowed to receive the Eucharist. I don't believe it's a sin for you not to attend, but you will benefit greatly by attending. You most certainly can and should pray the rosary etc.

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Archaeology cat

I've grown up praying the rosary occassionaly, though I'm not yet Catholic, and I refuse to miss Mass because this is the church of which I will be a member. And I love it :)

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You are currently under your parents authority, so you must walk the line between obeying them and obeying God. Pray constantly that your parents will allow you to attend mass. Ask politely, and don't get mad when they don't allow you to. Keep asking. Let your life show a spotless example of the Catholic faith.

Remember, St. Monica prayed for 20 years that her son would convert. St. Augustine became one of the great Doctors of the Church.


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Presumably you are not able to attend Mass because of your parents views?
I'd say if you can attend Mass, then go! I attended every Sunday before I was received and although it was hard not to receive the Blessed Sacrament, I understood and accepted the reasons why, and I loved being at Mass anyway.

My post in this forum about missing (weekday) Mass is because I find it hard not receiving the Blessed Sacrament as a result of not having been to confession as a result of my sin. It's also about the mind shift between protestant and Catholic understanding of sin, confession, forgiveness and most importantly communion.
I know that it's better that I go to mass than not! ;) :D

I also prayed the rosary before I was Catholic - it's the most beautiful prayer, and it certainly helped me to know Jesus in a way that I had never experienced before.

I imagine that God is always delighted when we pray to Him!

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I think ya'll missunderstood me. I am fully aware I can not recieve the Blessed Sacrament, it is not that I don't go to Mass because I think I can't. My parent refuse to allow me to, so what I'm asking is, since I do not attend weekly or often at all, am I committing a sin?

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[quote name='DancesforLove' date='Aug 9 2004, 06:17 PM'] I think ya'll missunderstood me. [/quote]
haha... then I completely read it wrong (that'll teach me to answer in the middle of the night!)

I think PedroX's advice on obeying your parents in right on. You are living in their home, and you are to be obedient to them. However, praying the rosary etc. shouldn't be a problem... unless they have a problem with you doing it in their home... Maybe they'll allow you to watch mass on TV.

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My mom isn't Catholic either...She doesn't really like me going to Mass...However she knows that that is the #1 priority in my life so She allows me. I would say if you talk to your parents and let them know how important it is to you they should let you go...but "Obey your parents."

P.S. - Mary loves everyone to talk to her. She is the Mother to all, not just Catholics. Pray the Rosary for sure...When I was Methodist I would even go to Eucharistic Adoration. The Truth of the Catholic Church spreads like wild fire.

Ave Maria,

Andy Jaeger

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Yes I thought that if I "Obeyed my Parents" and let them know how important it was to me and asked them they would say yes. They did not, my Dad has said nothing on the matter, my mom on the other hand makes it a point to bash Catholicism in front of me daily. I can't understand how she can be so heartless to bash something that means so much to me because she doesn't agree, now yes she is my mother but her opinion does NOT come into play about my Religious beliefs because it is not her choice. She refuses to see this though....

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I cant go to Mass or Confession.

Last year when I came back, and shot into all the sacraments, and ended up leaving, as you all know, I think Ive figured out my problem, and its that Ive stopped feeling God. I need to work on my belief in God and try and get a connection with God, before I allow myself to go to Mass again. If I go to Mass and take the Eucharist Ill just be mortally sinning.

Working on that, not going very well, mainly coz Ive been busy, but atleast Im trying.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you haven't been fully received into the Church, you are not committing a sin by not attending Mass. Once you are fully in communion with the Church, the you are held to your Sunday Obligation.

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