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Brother Adam

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Brother Adam

We went to mass at St. Mary's today in the ghetto. The priest walked out without his garments on (looked alot like a baptist pastor actually) and went through a lot of non-liturgical stuff (greeting each other - but not the greeting of peace, giving instruction on what the gospel for the day means, etc), then asked for lectors, communion assistants. Then during the mass he forgot to include many things such as the Nicene Creed. It blew us away! I don't understand why he would do that.

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The greeting of peace is actually optional.

As for omitting the Creed and other stuff, I guarantee you he didn't forget. It's a sad fact that many priests today act like the Mass is theirs to change when it isn't. I don't know why they do that, but they do.

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huh, weird...

We were out of town this morning. I took the kids to mass (hsdad went here later after we got home). I am currently "collecting" parishes where I have been to mass. :) I didn't notice anything too weird about this particular parish... they used bells during the concecration (which we don't, but I like) and used only a few EMoHC (like three?) and didn't offer the Precious Blood. Not sure of other differences... I had three small children with me... Everything seemed on the up and up...

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That is strange. My friend and I were discussing how Catholocism is really one of the only religions that pretty much anywhere you go it doesn't change. Like Baptist and stuff everywhere you go their beliefs are different and the service is, but Catholic Mass is usually more standard and more of a unified religion. Because I know the Southern Baptists would never admit to being the same as Northern Baptists but Catholics are different, very comforting.

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Re: the Nicene Creed. When I visited Sojourner, her church was doing baptisms, that day, and apparently there was something that was said in that part of the mass that took the place of the Nicene Creed? PedroX explained it to me, but I don't remember the ins and outs of it.

Not that this was your situation, but I thought it was interesting.


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[quote name='DancesforLove' date='Aug 9 2004, 01:12 AM'] My friend and I were discussing how Catholocism is really one of the only religions that pretty much anywhere you go it doesn't change. . [/quote]
That's one thing I really like abot the Church. It's very comforting.

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[quote name='Mickey's_Girl' date='Aug 9 2004, 02:30 AM'] Re: the Nicene Creed. When I visited Sojourner, her church was doing baptisms, that day, and apparently there was something that was said in that part of the mass that took the place of the Nicene Creed? PedroX explained it to me, but I don't remember the ins and outs of it.

Not that this was your situation, but I thought it was interesting.

MG [/quote]
We had already affirmed our common beliefs in the course of the baptism through the questions the priest asks everyone to answer.

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Sojourner and MG,

That is correct. The priest read all the phrases of the Nicene creed and asked all of us to affirm that we believed them. Its not to be common practice, but it does fullfil the need.


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  • 5 weeks later...

is the recitation of the creed mandatory per mass i was always under the impression it was not mandatory every mass but on a certain elect.

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We don't recite the Creed in our weekday Mass, only on Sundays. In fact the weekday Mass is much shorter - we don't sing any hymns for example.

Bro Adam, are you sure he was a priest? I went to a 'service' once which was led by a chaplain who wasn't an ordained priest - we did receive the Blessed Sacrament which had been consecrated by a priest before the service. As a new catholic, it was most confusing as it didn't really follow much of the Mass at all - we did have the readings - I was asked to do them! I've never been back to there though as the chaplain read out some of the writing of Khalid Gibran (sp?) from The Prophet in place of the homily and I felt it was really inappropriate in a church!

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Since there was a consencration, yes, he was a priest (or something really not good is going on).

Wow. old thread.

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