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Moral Codes


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I was wondering if there are any moral codes, sort of like benedictine ways and other orders, but for the lay?


Do they give a complete way of life, how to act with certain people, how do treat people, yourself, business ethics, and so forth?


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If you are talking about lay associations affiliated with religious orders, then most of the "older" orders have what is called "Third Orders". The First Order is the Male Order, The Second Order is contemplative nuns, the Third Order is usually a lay association that seeks to put the spirituality of the particular order int practice in the secular world. There are also some orders of sisters and priests that are affiliated with the first or second order.

In my case I am a Capuchin Friar, a member of the First Order of St Francis. The First Order is made up of the Capuchins, the Conventuals and the Franciscans. The Second Order is made up of the Poor Clares. The Third Order is made up of sisters such as the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary and lay people who are part of what is now called the Secular Franciscan Order, SFO for short.

for more onfo on the SFO see:[url="http://members.cox.net/sfobro/page1.html"]SFO[/url]

There are many other third orders such as the Third Order of St Dominic or the Third Order Carmelites or the oblates of St Benedicts

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