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It Takes All Kinds To Make The World Go Round....

Mrs. Bro. Adam

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

Most unique individual via personality would have to be one of my customers....They are very particular about things, and I have to send info through the computer, two, three times so that they can 'make sure' that I did it right!

I mean...come on...I've only been working this job for a year and a half!

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I know this one guy-- he's great, don't get me wrong... But he has this weird phobia about crossing the Mississippi River. I've told him it's safe-- no snakes or gators... and that there are some really friendly people over here... but no...

He got pooped on by a bird, too... but that's not that weird.

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That's strange, Mom. Like all the best people live on [i]that[/i] side! :rolleyes:. I mean, sure, they have Chicago, but WE have Dallas, AND San Antonio! :cool:

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