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Walt Disney Cooperation Going Downhill.

White Knight

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White Knight

Disney the Cooperation has turned its back on "Walt Disney's The Person's Vision" they've turned away from his vision by breaking off the 2d animation branches, Disney will no longer make 2d movies anymore. :( they broke their friendship with Pixsar, Fired 200-250 employees, several advisors and other highly important staff members walked out because of the way Disney is going, what path it seems to be taking.

All those Old movies which we grew up with are now locked in the volt and very rarely to be released ever. They'll never make movies like they used too again Walt Disney the person would be furious, He was a cartoonish with a Vision not a huge snobby money greedy movie producer, He was a cartoonish who wanted to please the people with animated storytales, now those animated storytales are locked in the volt. Disney the Cooperation is a tratior to Walt Disney and it makes me sick, I used to like Disney, and people say I'm crazy about this whole Disney think, but I'm not, Disney back in the day made by far better movies than it does today.

[b]Cartoon classics like Lady and the Tramp, Snowwhite & the Seven Drawfs, and Bambe, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, The Sword in the Stone, The Aristocats, The Jungle Book, Robin Hood, & The Fox and the Hound well theres more but thats too many to list, and what 2D Animation movies they do try to make its not all 2d they use the Computer for alot of it.[/b]

Disney is slowly but surely going down hill, its turned its back on Walt Disney the person, and if he were stand here today, he wouldn't know what to think.

[b]I'm not trying to be so negative even though it really appears that I am, but I really hope Disney Corp turns back to Walt's Vision.You also gotta admit the stories to these older movies were plain, simple, fun, good meanings, etc etc.[/b]

Anway I'm tired, God Bless You ALl, Sleep Well, Pax Christi.

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i agree with you. i'm on the mailing list for Save Disney, which is partially run by Roy Disney, Walt's nephew.

Disney needs to get back to what's important, instead of Michael Eisner's warped sense of important. They need to fire Michael Eisner and get back to being known as a "family" company.

It's very sad because I treasure so many of the movies that Disney has made, but it will be going downhill extremely fast unless something is done.

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[quote name='nikkan_hanil' date='Aug 6 2004, 07:49 PM'] Actually Walt Disney''s body is frozen in Cinderella's Castle at Disney World. :rolling: [/quote]
I thought I saw something looking out the window when I went there...

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Aug 6 2004, 06:35 AM'] He (Walt Disney) was a cartoonish who wanted to please the people with animated storytales... [/quote]
And 3-D movies don't do that how...? I agree that walt Disney is no longer a fmaily company, and needs to go back to that, but to claim that 3-D movies are somehow "unfamily" (which you seem to be saying) is ridiclous.

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White Knight

Lets just say the Lion King part I. only reason they released the sequals is because they needed to make some extra cash lol. Ive heard the sequals were a letdown compared to part one, Ive never seen the sequals so I can't judge for myself.

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I really enjoyed lion king 2....

Personally I haven't been a fan of the Disney sequels, I think the ruin the originals. The only sequels I have enjoyed were lion king 2, and toy story 2. the rest just were....blah.

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White Knight

Ya but the sequals to the Lion King were used with the Computer I bet ya in some areas, the first one was all done Anologly. by the hands of the artist not all by the PC.

Yes Disney did make some 2D Animtion movies in the past like 4-5 years.
The Emperor's New Groove (PC and Artist Manuelly)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (PC Mainly)
Lilo & Stitch (Was Disney's First Attempt to go back to Walt's Vision No Computer in this one)
Treasure Planet (Went back to the PC Way throwing Walt's Vision out)
Brother Bear (PC Mainly)

To some degree I can see the PC being a usefully tool and all, but not when it takes away the time and heart of the original stuff.

All the movies I posted up there on my original post of this thread, they were all made by hand, and stuck to Walt Disney's Vision.

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The Toy Story movies, Monsters Inc, and Finding Nemo were awesome. It seems as if the 3D Disney movies are more enjoyable than their newer 2D ones.

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White Knight

Acually they may have made more money than the older ones, but the older ones are by far more rememberable and enjoyable than the new ones, some might not think so, like the bits and peices of the Minority and Majority groups, but I think most people can agree, the older stuff is better than this new stuff dude.

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I really didn't care for brother bear at all. I agree with Lion King being the last good one. Pocahontas just doesn't compare.

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White Knight

[quote name='Paladin D' date='Aug 7 2004, 06:15 PM'] The Toy Story movies, Monsters Inc, and Finding Nemo were awesome.  It seems as if the 3D Disney movies are more enjoyable than their newer 2D ones. [/quote]
Paladin dude, Disney has only been going downhill for like 2-4 years, Toy Story is one of the few 3D Disney Classics, the Rest, yes they made money, but they are terrible compared to Walt Disney's Vision. (Which was the please the Kids and estabish a moral lesson to them); now its just about the money and their forgetting the moral lessons that was originally suspost to be taught by the kids.

Now its all about Mo Mo. (Money, Cash, The Green, The Bling Bling, The Load, and on and on that goes)


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