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Why so many prochoice politicians speaking primetime at the RNC? and oddly Miller seems to be the one set out as the God-talkin' candidate, which will probably include anti-abortion topics. Is Miller to counter the Dems "Ron Reagan appearance?"

Bloomberg prochoice
Rudy Giuliani prochoice
Sen. McCain prochoice
1st Lady [url="http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/DailyNews/abortion_Laura_Bush010119.html"]moderate[/url]
Sec. Rod Paige prolife
The Terminator prochoice
Mrs. Cheney ?
VP Johnsonville brat Cheney "no choice" prolife
Sen. Miller (D-GA) prolife :huh:
Gov. Pataki prochoice
GW Bush moderate

Why doesn't Santorum or Ashcroft, those with the history of promoting prolife legislation, get a primetime slot? All the Catholic speakers are prochoice too <_<

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