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Disney Slams Door On Michael Moore


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For those of you who believe Micahael Moore... time to admit you've been had.


There may be justice -- or at least some common sense in this world after all. The Walt Disney Company is blocking its Miramax division from distributing a new Bush-bashing "documentary" from Michael Moore ( [url="http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/05/national/05DISN.html"]http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/05/national/05DISN.html[/url] ). The film, called "Fahrenheit 911" links President Bush with the family of Osama Bin Laden and bashes the president throughout, blaming him for 9/11, among other things. Typical liberal trash. The good news is finally Hollywood is starting to see the light (maybe.)

Does this mean that the Disney empire is conservative .. even Republican? Hardly. Remember, Disney was the number one corporate contributor to The Hildabeast when she ran for Senator in New York. These folks are most definitely aligned to the left. Mickey Mouse would call himself a "progressive." You can't say that Disney is friendly towards or supportive of the Bush administration.

But try to tell that to Michael Moore. We all know what's going to happen here. Michael Moore will hit the media full-throttle with lies about how the administration is censoring his film and about how this is what America has come to blah blah blah. The left is very good at playing the victimology card, and you can bet this is what is going to happen here. He's already started. In a statement on Tuesday, idiot Moore said "At some point the question has to be asked, 'Should this be happening in a free and open society where the monied interests essentially call the shots regarding the information the public is allowed to see?" Nonsense. Just because a company exists in a free and open society doesn't mean that it has any responsibility to market a film that it realizes is full of lies, half-truths and hatred. If Michael Moore wants to exercise his right of free speech he can market and distribute his latest effort on his own.

Just why did Disney make this decision? Maybe it's because they now know that Michael Moore isn't above placing deliberate lies in his motion pictures. Let's take Moore's "Bowling for Columbine" for instance. Moore says that he gave the film this name because the two killers were at a bowling class -- they went bowling -- on the morning of their attack. Not true. They weren't there ... and so the lies began. You can learn more by going to the Bowling For Truth website - [url="http://www.bowlingfortruth.com/"]http://www.bowlingfortruth.com/[/url].

This is not a freedom of speech issue. Freedom of speech does not mean that private company has to publish or market material that it knows, or has reason to suspect it dishonest.

By the way .. has anyone ever seen Michael Moore and Ted Kennedy in the same room at the same time? A little hair coloring can do marvelous things.

Loving the Truth.
God Bless,

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dont blame them. He is being exposed little by little for making false statements.

I watched him on Bill O'reilly the other day. He just wont admit when hes wrong.

And, I know this may anger some people here but you'll get over it, but..

Moore asked the question 'Would you risk your childs life by sending him overseas to fight in Falujah?'

My answer would of been...'If my son or daughter signed up to be in the Military, then hell yes I would send them..thats what they signed up to do. Dont like it? Dont be in the Military..its not the chess club ya know.

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