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Is contraception a sin?  

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[quote name='StatingTheObvious' date='Nov 12 2005, 04:57 PM']thanks professor peabody.  :lol:  but can it happen in minutes if the egg is slumming around at the end of the fallopian tube?
Hahahahaha LOLZ!!!!! :rolleyes:

No, it can't. Sperm has to undergo capacitation after ejaculation before it becomes capable of fertilisation and that takes at least 4-6 hours.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Deeds' date='Nov 12 2005, 02:25 PM']Hahahahaha LOLZ!!!!! :rolleyes:

No, it can't. Sperm has to undergo capacitation after ejaculation before it becomes capable of fertilisation and that takes at least 4-6 hours.
Deeds! Why don't I ever see you anymore?!

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 13 2005, 01:26 AM']Ok so what about rape.  In the eyes of the church or god is it a sin to use the morning after pill if you were raped?
[/quote]lets say this afternoon your parents sit you down and tell you that your mom was raped and your biological father was a rapist. would you wish you never was born or would you remember you still are your mommys child and your daddys adopted child and they both loved you.

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Guest I Am Not Chris Zewe

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 11 2005, 04:47 PM']Sex before marriage means you don't have the guts to make a committment to a lifelong relationship before you reap the benefits.

[i]Women are not made for test rides.[/i]

Or it could mean that -gasp- you both want to have sex, but not get married. Not everyone wants to tie themself to another person forever in order to have sex.

[i]Sex before marriage is not a test ride.[/i]

[quote]Either way, no one's receiving anything when they use contraception...people who use it are holding their fertility to themselves greedily. It's like being offered a feast and going dumpster diving instead.[/quote]

Not everyone who has sex wants to, or can afford to, have children. Duh?

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[quote name='I Am Not Chris Zewe' date='Nov 13 2005, 10:08 AM']Or it could mean that -gasp- you both want to have sex, but not get married.  Not everyone wants to tie themself to another person forever in order to have sex.

[i]Sex before marriage is not a test ride.[/i]
Not everyone who has sex wants to, or can afford to, have children.  Duh?
[/quote]so to you, sex is selfish pleasure and not really about strengthening the relationship bond because you set limits on it so it stays outside marrige. why not just get some of those devices they sell in magazines and be done with it? and if you can't afford to have children, there are non-contraceptive ways of having [b]SEX[/b] in marriage when its very unlikely to have children. duh!

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Guest I Am Not Chris Zewe

[quote name='StatingTheObvious' date='Nov 13 2005, 09:13 AM']so to you, sex is selfish pleasure and not really about strengthening the relationship bond because you set limits on it so it stays outside marrige.  why not just get some of those devices they sell in magazines and be done with it?  and if you can't afford to have children, there are non-contraceptive ways of having sense in marriage when its very unlikely to have children.  duh!

No, to me, sex can be either an essentially meaningless activity for pleasure, or it can be a meaningful, fulfilling experience with one's significant other. And where are you getting that I said that it should only be outside of marriage? Typical Xian. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here, which leads me to ask "Is English your first language?" Anyway...wait until marriage if you want, but not waiting hurts no one. The only "problem" with it is that your Book of Lies says to wait.

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[quote name='I Am Not Chris Zewe' date='Nov 13 2005, 10:18 AM']No, to me, sex can be either an essentially meaningless activity for pleasure, or it can be a meaningful, fulfilling experience with one's significant other.  And where are you getting that I said that it should only be outside of marriage?  Typical Xian.  I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here, which leads me to ask "Is English your first language?"  Anyway...wait until marriage if you want, but not waiting hurts no one.  The only "problem" with it is that your Book of Lies says to wait.
[/quote]oooo. i did that same thing when i was a dumb kid but thought i was smarter then others. i disagreed and called them names, over simplified their ideas, made fun of them, and wallowed in my ignorance. do you really want to discuss the false statement "but not waiting hurts no one."? or do you just want to trade insults?

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Guest I Am Not Chris Zewe

[quote name='StatingTheObvious' date='Nov 13 2005, 09:24 AM']oooo.  i did that same thing when i was a dumb kid but thought i was smarter then others.  i disagreed and called them names, over simplified their ideas, made fun of them, and wallowed in my ignorance.  do you really want to discuss the false statement "but not waiting hurts no one."? or do you just want to trade insults?

Your grasp of language is minimal at best, as is demonstrated yet again. At least here you're coherent, though. And sure, let's hear your BS.

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[quote name='I Am Not Chris Zewe' date='Nov 13 2005, 10:28 AM']Your grasp of language is minimal at best, as is demonstrated yet again.  At least here you're coherent, though.  And sure, let's hear your BS.
[/quote]i'll use small words and simple concepts so as to not overtax my minimal command of the english language.

List of harm that may come from sex outside of marriage:
1 unwanted pregnancy
2 transfer of sexually transmitted disease
3 emotional harm by engaing in intimate physical relationship that exceeds the emotional intimacy
4 financial burden of paying child support to mother
5 financial burden of raising child after father breaks promise of love and support
6 unwanted pregancy since condoms aren't 100%
7 unwanted pregnancy since pill isn't 100%
8 young person being emotionally manipulated by sex by older person
9 sterilization from complications from abortion
10 death (for mother) from complications from abortion
11 the gift that keeps on giving (herpes) contracted from more 'active' partner
12 death from AIDS
13 less sex because of herpes sores on penis
14 less sex because of herpes sores in vagina
15 cervical cancer caused by herpes outbreak on cervix.
16 herpes sores on face

i'm bored now, but there is more if you want it.

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btw, contraception can't protect u from cervical cancer (which you're more susceptible to if you have sex w/ 3 or more ppl in your life), herpes, HPV, or heartache

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wearing a condom can or havin ya Julie use the pill is like 99.9% percent effective so those are odds I can live with.

[quote]8 young person being emotionally manipulated by sex by older person[/quote]

Like when a priest sexually molests a young boy because the church forces him to live a celibate life?

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If my mom told me she was raped I would probably seek out my biological father and either kill him or beat him up....bad. But that has nothing to do with this, the fact is we live in a little country called america and if a woman is raped it is her body and her decision as to whether or not to take the morning after pill or not. Which btw DOES NOT ALLOW THE EGG TO BE FERTALIZED IN THE FIRST PLACE AND IN SOME CASES DOESN'T ALLOW THE EGG TO EVEN LEAVE THE OVARIES! But anyway the child has no say in the matter it's the woman's choice.

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[quote]Its manufacturer claims Plan-B simply “prevents pregnancy.” This is not telling the truth. Plan B can act to abort a newly-created human being in his/her first days of life. This is abortion.

Here's the link to the website I got this off of


[quote] if a woman is raped it is her body and her decision as to whether or not to take the morning after pill or not.[/quote]

So because she was raped it's her choice on whether to kill the child or not? Just because of someone's immoral and harmful action got this woman pregnant, that is no reason to go and knowingly take a human life away...the best thing to do would be to put the child up for adoption if the mother didn't want the baby...I know someone who was conceived through rape, and she is such an amazing woman! Her mother chose to keep her instead of killing her, because she knew that life is precious and that no child should have to die because of someone else's immoral behavior.

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