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Writing To The Bishop


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It was recently suggested that I write a letter to the Bishop of my diocese regarding a few liturgical "issues" I have, and I agreed to do so (since I have talked with numerous priests in the diocese already). However, I have a few questions...

Are there any guidelines I should remember when writing? (and I address him as "Most Reverend...", correct?)

Is there an appropriate length (/limit)?

Also, when introducing myself... How much information is necessary? Is name, age, and parish sufficient? Or should I include any background information on myself (i.e. somewhat recently reconciled (2 yrs), been talking about things with a spiritual director)? Is there any information I should not give? How much is too much/ how much is too little?

Anything else I should remember?

Sorry for all the questions, but the answers will be greatly helpful!

Thanks again.

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8/10 - St. Lawrence the Deacon


My first comment is, just make sure you're not biting off more than you can chew. If some priest friends have advised you to query the bishop, then I would suggest a few practicals that would apply to most business-like letters...

1.) Be polite.
2.) Introduce yourself minimally - i.e. name, age, parish, &c., and some brief background about your schooling or anything that might pertain to the issue.
3.) The title "Your Grace" is proper to a bishop.
4.) Defer to his position and hear him out - don't outright assume he's wrong.

Other than that, just write it like a normal business letter. :P And keep it short, since I'm sure he's a busy man. Hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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