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Kerry And The Catholic Church

White Knight

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White Knight

If Kerry claims to be Catholic why is he so against what the Church believes and Stands for?

Ive overheard information from all kinds of Media, Newspapers, TV, Letters, and people from all over, I heard the Catholic Church Refuses to even talk to Kerry anymore, because they dont wanna pleage their support to his campain. Now my Question is this, Is Kerry just a pretender of the Catholic Faith to try to get the Churchs support? even though the Church refuses to help him?

Kerry Supports
Pro-Choice - For Abortion.
Homosexual Marriage/Rights.

Edited by White Knight
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the Church doesn't refuse to talk to him anymore. However, he persists in public manifest grave sin by actively supporting abortion and thus some certain Pius Bishops have said that he cannot receive communion. He presents himself for communion anyway, and since not all priests have been ordered not to Give the Sacred Body and Blood of the Lord which is the practice of our communion in the Body of Christ (and thus if you are not in communion you cannot receive it) he receives it in defiance of the bishops. He is committing sacrilidge there.

anyway, John Kerry is Catholic in name and not in action. Therefore: John Kerry is not a Catholic in good standing, basically not Catholic.

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sort-of. there are certain non-negotiables. you cannot be a pro-choice Catholic. it is an oxymoron, a horrible contradiction. to be Catholic means to be Pro-Life. Catholics have a variety of opinions when it comes to the application of the death penalty (some take a more traditional view saying the state has the right to make this judgement while others have a view that in today's day and age it is no longer necessary) or the application of Just War Doctrine (all Catholics believe in what is necessary for a just war, but when it comes to specific wars they can have a varrying opinion as to whether that specific war fits those criteria). Basically, Catholics all are to believe the same things as regards to faith and morals that have been defined by the Church. Moral issues that Catholics must believe in order to remain Catholic are things like same-sex sex is wrong, abortion is murder and thus wrong, contraception makes marriage closed to life and thus is wrong... some faith issues Catholics must believe are Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins, He rose on the third day, He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, the Son of the Living God, He protected His mother Mary from original and actual sin, He assumed her into heaven at the end of her earthly life, He gave her to us as our mother, the Bible is the Inspired Word of God, the Church has the God-given authority to teach infallibly on Faith and Morals...

so yeah, there are many non-negotiables of what it means to really be Catholic, what beliefs when all put together add up to equal Catholic... but we're not the Borg... people disagree on how an economy can best bring about Social Justice (while they agree on social justice, they disagree on how to bring it about sometimes)... varieties of opinion do not break up the Unity we have, because we are united about what the Divinely Revealed Catholic Faith consists of, and what is moral in God's eyes.

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by the way: i notice Apotheon is on, if he posts, he'll probably give you a much better answer than me, he's one smart cookie who has an amazing way with words...

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