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Watching And Waiting


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I had a question about "Watching and Waiting". I seem to have completely forgotten the meaning behind this practice. Where did it come from? Why do we as Catholics do this? Thanks to anyone who can help.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Keeping Vigil is watching and waiting . . . there are many places in the bible that we are told to keep vigil:

The sentinels keep vigil over Jerusalem in the Psalms
The parable of the 10 virgins with their lamps
The parable of the Thief in the night
and from the Letter of St. Peter, my favorite, it says: "Be vigilante and awake, for the devil is prowling around you like a roaring lion. Resist him, steady in your faith."

The message is that we must both keep vigil against sin and keep vigil for Christ, our King who will return!

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