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Little By Little, Satan Will Trick You


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You are so young! To me you are like a ship setting out on its voyage. If that slight deviation of today is left uncorrected, you will never reach port in the end.

-- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way #248

Venial sins do great harm to the soul. — Therefore God says in the Song of Songs: 'Catch the little foxes that make havoc of the vineyards'.

-- St. Josemaria Escriva: The Way #329

The little things, especially when young, are very important. This is a major reason why liberalism fails the Church. We cannot look at the teachings liberally least we drift to far from their meaning. This is why there are Catholics that believe it's up to the woman to decide, the reason that they have given me that it's not their place to judge and that if it's wrong, God will judge them... the liberal mindset is a terrible thing.

Please read the following article:


God Bless,

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Ash Wednesday

Cardinal Francis George is so smart.

What an honor that I was confirmed by him when he was our Bishop Francis George here in Washington.


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The article should be pinned. It is a must-read. It will probably take a few times to fully digest, though.

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