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The Pill


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I decided to resurrect this old thread, since rather recently on CMT there were a couple specials that dealt with the song "The Pill." One was a bio of Loretta Lynn, who recorded the song, and the other was a show specifically about the controversy generated by that song.

Here's a quote from Loretta Lynn herself:

[quote]Lynn, mother of six, on her controversial hit song "The Pill," about the birth control pill: "They asked me in Washington D.C., 'What would you have done if they'd had the pill when you were having your kids?' I said I'd eat them like popcorn. And that's the truth."[/quote]

How sad.

Oh, btw, the quote came from this page: [url="http://www.cmt.com/shows/dyn/inside_fame/61819/episode_about.jhtml"]http://www.cmt.com/shows/dyn/inside_fame/6...ode_about.jhtml[/url]

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[quote name='skuba steve' date='Sep 9 2003, 10:16 PM']no no no...

number 1.

I never said "the catholic church"

number 2.

I never said anything about contraception. I was just saying that people will and do stuff up, and we need to be prepared to love these people without condemning them or making them feel shamed...

I was saying that all the idealism that the church preaches is cool, but some people do stuff up and are not able to live up to it and people, being people, would look down on them...

because of this... abortion, although wrong, would be an easy way out for many young people wishing to escape the shame....
I would hardly consider an abortion an easy way out. You are only considering the affects on the child. The whole family is affected by an abortion also. The mother suffers physically at the pain of an abortion, emotionally at the loss of a precious child, and spiritually because this this grave sin hurts one's relationship with God. The rest of the family doesn't get off that easy either. There is pain in losing a part of your family. I don't think this pain ever really goes away. Why would you even consider that an abortion be an easy way out.

Also, child bearing is a special gift from God that He has designed as a procreative and a unitative act for a husband and a wife in the bonds of holy matrimony. Pregnancy is not shameful. Pregnancy is beautiful regardless of the circumstance. An abortion does not erase the fact that you had sex out of marriage if that is the shameful act you are referring to. Abortion is evil in all circumstances. Contraception is evil in all circumstances.

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As hard as it may be for some people to believe that husbands have THAT much control of their wives back then and now, it is true. Some people aren't as lucky as others and don't get the best husbands. Before you condemn someone you don't know over a song she sang about her life that you didn't live, I'd close my mouth and consider the fact that not all people have the life you do or get to have such incredible people in their lives.

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[quote name='skuba steve' date='Sep 9 2003, 09:21 PM']i reckon that the abortion rates of young girls in the church would be huge...

say that a young girl stuffed up and fell pregnant...it happens

what would be the easy way out...

have a baby and live with all the shame and guilt and people looking down on you for the rest of your life.


have an abortion and no one would ever know.

the church always preaches idealism, which is cool.... but it doesn't allow for people that have done not-quite-ideal things.

just my thought....

You don't know anything about the Church obviously. Please, do not go around saying anything about the Church unless you know. You made a really aweful generalization about the Church when you said you reckon that the rate of girls in the Church getting abortions is high. I don't know that and I am Catholic. Show a little respect especially considering that you don't know all the facts.

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[quote name='DancesforLove' date='Oct 4 2005, 10:06 PM']As hard as it may be for some people to believe that husbands have THAT much control of their wives back then and now, it is true. Some people aren't as lucky as others and don't get the best husbands. Before you condemn someone you don't know over a song she sang about her life that you didn't live, I'd close my mouth and consider the fact that not all people have the life you do or get to have such incredible people in their lives.

Hon, if you're addressing that to me, I've condemned no one. I've condemned her support of contraception, but not her as a person. To go around rashly accusing people of judging others is judgmental on your part.

For goodness' sake, the song wasn't even about Loretta Lynn's life in the first place! She wasn't even the one who wrote it. But she still approves of its message just the same.

Edited by Dave
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No dave I wasn't posting that to you :)

You don't know Loretta Lynns life, and you may not know what went on. There were many people, my grandmother being one of them that lived that life. She didn't have a choice and suffered through a horrible divorce and though she didn't use birth control, she found the song as a funny and lite way of looking at the situation.
Sometimes, humor is the only way people can get through rough and terrible times.
Btw, judging by the amount of kids that Loretta Lynn had, I'm not guessing she went on birth control. That song was meant as a way for mothers to cope back then, it was telling all women to go on the pill and never have kids again. And I personally don't know a single woman who went on birth control because of that song.

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skuba steve - sometimes people overlook the fact that the Catholic Church preaches reconciliation and forgiveness.

While we, as Catholics, are against contraception and believe it to be wrong no matter the circumstances, it is not uncompassionate. saying that contraception should be allowed because "people are going to do it anyway" is defeatist. We're human beings, not squirrels or cows or orangatans. We have the gift of moral reasoning and self-control! People *can* control themselves. People have choices. Some choices are right, and some choices are wrong. All the Catholic Church does is affirm which of these choices are right, which ones are wrong, and also affirm that God is merciful and that even though we all make bad choices sometimes, his mercy is always greater than our sins.

You said, "nobody expects you to be perfect.... i have more respect for people who make mistakes and admit it.."

Well, when people admit their mistakes before God in confession, He forgives them. But allowing people to sin because they "can't control themselves" is actually devoid of compassion because it deprives these people of fully experiencing God's mercy and forgiveness.

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Abortion, contraceptive, and mistreatment of women, is wrong according to the Church and not only that, the first feminists condemned [b]all three of them[/b] Of course nowadays, many believe that birth control and abortion are not only OK, but a natural part of femininity and some are even OK with pornography(a gross mistreatment of women) b/c ,"if a woman wants to do it, it's ok"

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Cow of Shame

I think some feminists are coming back around to see that the pill was also a form of enslavement & debased women

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One of the sad things is that people like Skuba Steve described are real. I think that is part of why it's even more important that those who will show love and forgiveness without judging or condeming people to show that even more.

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[quote name='skuba steve' date='Sep 9 2003, 08:21 PM']i reckon that the abortion rates of young girls in the church would be huge...

say that a young girl stuffed up and fell pregnant...it happens

what would be the easy way out...

have a baby and live with all the shame and guilt and people looking down on you for the rest of your life.


have an abortion and no one would ever know.

the church always preaches idealism, which is cool.... but it doesn't allow for people that have done not-quite-ideal things.

just my thought....

NO, abortion is not the way at all, because you should never have any sex outisde marriage, we have minipulated this world! It has changed so much, you don't want a baby, yet you do what you know will give you one, and you do it outside of marriage, then when you get the baby, you kill it!! Abortion is just a good word for murder. :maddest:

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