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I Don't Understand This


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Glad you clarified that.
I never know if someone is speaking of David Duke the politician or David Dukes the actor.(who died a few years back- but was a pretty good character actor)

Edited by Quietfire
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Were you saying that it is acceptable to vote for a "Catholic" who is pro-abortion over a member of the KKK who is pro-life? This is incorrect. Even if the man claimed to want to execute blacks, it would be impossible for him to do it, and the lives of innocent (and, what is worse, unbaptized) babies are much more important.

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Guest JeffCR07

Adam, I think the person who brought it up was just attempting to illustrate how extreme the situation would have to be in order for it to be "ok" to vote for Kerry. It would (if my assertion is even correct) by like me saying the choice is between a pro-choice Kerry and a pro-life raised-from-the-dead Hitler or Stalin. In such an extreme case, we would be forced to vote in favor of Kerry (or maybe not vote at all?), because (like in the case of Stalin) he doesn't make it his mission to rid the country of Catholicism as well as kill tons of innocents.

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Okay people Bush isn't a perfect either

He lied to start a war, has killed more people as governer of texas then any other governer in its history, and ha successfully widen the gap between rich and poor causeing millions to die from poverty. And these are just a few, I could give you a very long detailed list about all the evil things that man has done

I think Kerry is the lesser of the to evils

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[quote]He lied to start a war, has killed more people as governer of texas then any other governer in its history, and ha successfully widen the gap between rich and poor causeing millions to die from poverty. And these are just a few, I could give you a very long detailed list about all the evil things that man has done[/quote]

The things you mentioned are definitely disputable, but regardless, a Catholic CAN'T vote for Kerry. Abortion is intrinsically evil, and Kerry supports it.

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Okay regardless, Bush started the war in iraq, right? Is not one of gods commandents thou shall not kill? is not murder a mortal sin?

When did Jesus ever kill someone in self-defense?

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Guest JeffCR07

while I tend to be conservative, I am not a staunch republican. However, I have to comment Sentientbaka,

[quote]causeing millions to die from poverty[/quote]

I'd like to see the statistics where you've found that [i]millions[/i] die of poverty as a result of Bush.

as d-o-m stated, much of what you have said can't be proved. I do not think that Bush is a saint, he may not even be a good president, or, for the sake of argument, a good person. But he is [i]not[/i] pro-choice. Kerry is. It is that simple, there is nothing of scholarly credibility that exists in this bush-kerry choice that can offset Kerry's position on abortion. I'm not saying that you "must" vote for Bush, I'm just saying that, as things exist right now, you [i]must[/i] not vote for Kerry.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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Lol, okay in light of the Domestic Cutbacks bush caused (Domestic meaning wellfare, food stamps, disability) to pay for said war (do we think the war in Iraq was/is good, I don't belive the pope said that) though causing deaths from poverty (like being unable to pay for heat, medical expenses) all of which can be apparently disputed, okay I'll give you that (or not argue about it anyway)

So let me bring up this thought, which is the greater evil?

Legal 1-3 trisemester Abortion or Or people starving in 3rd countrys?

P.S. I really dont like Geoge Bush at all if you can't tell :3

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

If Kerry gets elected, he will send more money to third world countries, but for 'family planning' *cough* abortion *cough* purposes. Yes, he has said he will do this.

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how bout instead of people starving in other countrys what about people starving in ours.

Lets define Directly real quick, are we directly linked to something specifically by words or is it also by our actions?

BTW I am not an abortion advocate in any way

So Kerry [i]DIRECTLY[/i] supports Aborotion

if our actions define a direct link

Then George Bush [i]DIRECTLY[/i] supports war as well as poverty

who is the greater evil?

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[quote name='Sentientbaka' date='Aug 2 2004, 03:26 PM'] Okay people Bush isn't a perfect either

He lied to start a war, has killed more people as governer of texas then any other governer in its history, and ha successfully widen the gap between rich and poor causeing millions to die from poverty. And these are just a few, I could give you a very long detailed list about all the evil things that man has done

I think Kerry is the lesser of the to evils [/quote]
Do the math. You are wrong that Bush is the lessor of two evils.

Per Planned Parenthood's own website, they say 850,000 abortions are done each year in the US. Consider 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, 50 weeks a year (even abortion clinics have vacation), that's 425 abortions per working hour, or 7 abortions every second you are working during a 40 hour work week.

How does that compare with the few thousand killed during the Iraq war? Then consider how many of the Iraqis were combatants, the mass murders that Saddam's regieme commited, etc. Less innocents are dying now in Iraq than before the war. Our soldiers are dying so others may attempt to live in freedom. It's the obligation of the strong to suffer for the weak. The US is morally obliged to be at war in Iraq. We should also be in the Sudan now, but weak anti-war people won't do the math. Better that 1,000 US soldiers die to bring food and freedom to the tens of thousands people in the Sudan.

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Guest JeffCR07

Moreover, the argument that Bush "directly" supports poverty is more than a little questionable, especially considering the fact that he (and about 50% of the nation along with him) thinks that his actions will, on the whole, alleviate the impoverished.

Take that alongside the actual statistics that jasjis provided and it seems pretty darn straightforward that voting for Kerry is voting yourself into a state of mortal sin.

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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Aug 2 2004, 08:42 AM'] lol, yea I feel bad, but I don't recognise that name. :blink: [/quote]
good golly, I feel old... :(

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