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Zwergel88's Explanation!


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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Aug 1 2004, 01:21 AM']
Well thats a load off. No offense, it's just in the Kerry is the Antichrist thread ( which has a funny name ) you kinda seemed like, you have to really put some thought into this. And I was all like, I'd do it, but ya know, somethings the Church just says no to. anyways, rambling.

God bless,

Mikey [/quote]
I'm speaking now as a grounded Catholic, and I didn't used to be one. That "red/blue state" post was just a scenario I threw out for the sake of it - I just wanted to see what other people think.

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God Conquers

Canada is a leader in promoting the Culture of death worldwide. Many Catholics and Christians will be going to jail in the coming years for their faith and position on homosexuality, abortion and other issues. I envy many of you Americans and can't understand how some of you could not try to stem the tide of an advancing culture of death. (i.e Kerry)

We are not free. We might not have a lot of crime (far too polite) and be "non-violent" (our military is too dilapidated to wage war) but we are not free.

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I'll repeat here what I said in a post in the movie phorum. (It's more relevant here.)

All I can say concerning posts by people supporting Sen. Kerry, is that if even self-proclaimed pro-life Catholics support politicians such as Kerry who openly and shamelessly and blatantly support all aspects of the Culture of Death, God help us all! The modern national Democratic Party is all about promoting abortion, homsexuality, human bioengineering, and all forms of immorality.

Whatever you think about Bush and the Iraq war (I do believe he has his faults), at least Bush will pass pro-life legislation that gets past the Dems in the Senate. Kerry will strike down any curbs on abortion and will appoint more actively pro-abort judges! Kerry will only solidify the Culture of Death in American government.

If you truly and sincerely believe Bush is absolutely no good for the pro-life cause, at least vote for a pro-life alternative candidate, or refrain from voting (though I believe this will only help Kerry).

Supporting Kerry and his ilk is unacceptable!
And Catholics who vote for such politicians have no right to complain about the Culture of Death in America. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution!

Remember, All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

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