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Major Christian Denominations: How Do They Differ?


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[color=blue][font="Times"][b]Major Christian Denominations: How Do They Differ?[/b][/color][/font]

[color=blue][font="Times"][b]Part III[/b][/color][/font]





Rev. John Wesley began movement in 1738, within Church of England; first U.S. denomination, Baltimore (1784).


Conference and superintendent system; in United Methodist Church, general superintendents are bishops-- not a priestly order, only an office--who are elected for life.


Scripture as interpreted by tradition, reason, andexperience.

[b]Special rites[/b]

Baptism of infants or adults; Lord's Supper commanded; other rites include marriage, ordination, solemnization of personal commitments.





Developed in original Christian proselytizing; broke with Rome in 1054, after centuries of doctrinal disputes and diverging traditions


Synods of bishops in autonomous, usually national, churches elect a patriarch, archbishop, or metropolitan; these men, as a group, are the heads of the church.

Scripture, tradition, and the first 7 church councils upto Nicaea II in 787; bishopsin council have authorityin doctrine and policy.

[b]Special rites[/b]

Seven sacraments: infant baptism and anointing, Eucharist (both bread and wine), ordination, penance, anointing of the sick, and marriage.





In Topeka, KS (1901)and Los Angeles (1906), in reaction to perceived loss of evangelical fervor among Methodists and others.


Originally a movement, nota formal organization, Pentecostalism now has a variety of organized forms and continues also as a movement.


Scripture; individual charismatic leaders, the teachings of the Holy Spirit.

[b]Special rites[/b]

Spirit baptism, especially as shown in "speaking in tongues"; healing and sometimes exorcism; adult baptism; Lord's Supper.





In 16th-cent. Calvinist Reformation; differed with Lutherans over sacraments, church government; John Knox founded Scotch Presbyterian church about 1560.

Highly structured representational system of ministers and laypersons (presbyters) in local, regional, and national bodies (synods).



[b]Special rites[/b]

Infant baptism; Lord's Supper; bread and wine symbolize Christ's spiritual presence. Edited by MorphRC
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[color=blue][font="Times"][b]Major Christian Denominations: How Do They Differ?[/b][/color][/font]

[color=blue][font="Times"][b]Part IV[/b][/color][/font]



Roman Catholics


Traditionally, founded by Jesus who named St. Peter the 1st vicar; developed in early Christian proselytizing, especially after the conversion of imperial Rome in the 4th cent.


Hierarchy with supreme power vested in pope elected by cardinals; councils of bishops advise on matters of doctrine and policy.


The pope, when speaking for the whole church in matters of faith and morals, and tradition (which is partly recorded in Scripture and expressed in church councils).
[b]Special rites[/b]

Mass; sacraments: baptism, reconciliation, Eucharist, confirmation, marriage, ordination, and anointing of the sick (unction).

Excerpted from Infopedia: The Complete Reference Collection
Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.[/b][/i]

There ya go :)
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[b]Just a note[/b] : the Jehovah Witnesses and the Mormans are not Christian Denominations. They do not believe in the Trinitarian formulae for baptism and the reject the Trinity

Edited by cappie
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pretty soon you'll be saying that you're too sexy for your shirt

hehe :D

u'll get mad props if you can tell me who sang that song ;)

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Aug 12 2004, 01:23 AM'] pretty soon you'll be saying that you're too sexy for your shirt

hehe :D

u'll get mad props if you can tell me who sang that song ;) [/quote]


umm I know it but I doubt Morph does without doing a lyric search :P

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Aug 12 2004, 04:53 PM'] pretty soon you'll be saying that you're too sexy for your shirt

hehe :D

u'll get mad props if you can tell me who sang that song ;) [/quote]
it was some pommy.

and what is a prop?

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