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Sunday's Jc Penney Ad

Birgitta Noel

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Birgitta Noel

Bishop Jenky of Peoria has asked, "What will it take to get us mad?" Here's something that got me pretty worked up today as I went through yesterday's paper!

Did anyone else see the Sunday JCP ad? On the inside

far right upper corner there is an ad for junior's

tees, and the young lady in the ad is wearing a

green t-shirt that says

Home Run

All Star Ball Club

Got Past Third Base

Always up for extra innings

I was shocked! Perhaps we can all let our local JCP

know how we feel about them selling these types of

products to our young women!




Edited by Birgitta Noel
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Birgitta Noel

I took it immediately as a sexual reference. Think about it....getting to first base etc on a date....Would you want your daughter wearing something like that?

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Sad thing is (and maybe I'm wrong) is that most "juniors" don't know what the shirt is refering to. But the "seniors" (hahaha) do! Which makes them prime candidates for those filthy bums that are looking for an "easy" girl.

That p's me off!

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That reminds me of how, in an earlier thread, someone said they saw a girl wearing pantaloons with the phrase "bling bling" on the butt -- one "bling" for each butt cheek! But heck, if you want shirts with nasty slogans on them, just go to your nearest Gadzooks store in the mall! They cater to young people! So why be surprised when JC Penney jumps on the bandwagon?

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  ironmonk said:
Yes... that is totally sexual.

Thank the luther, calvin, knox, etc... for the degradation of morals.

God Bless,



Sure, the Protestant "reformers" (especially Luther) were a little out there (with Luther telling the devil to jump inside his bum and do a dance, and all)

But can we really blame THEM for this? I'm no fan of Protestantism, but I'm not about to slander anyone.

I object to the slander, Ironmonk

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  Jake Huether said:
Sad thing is (and maybe I'm wrong) is that most "juniors" don't know what the shirt is refering to.  But the "seniors" (hahaha) do!  Which makes them prime candidates for those filthy bums that are looking for an "easy" girl.

That p's me off!

A friend of mine, his daughter is 11, she has two friends - one 10 and one 12... both have had abortions....

kids are starting much younger now... with sex ed in schools so early, TV, kids are experimenting.

God Bless,


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  ironmonk said:
Yes... that is totally sexual.

Thank the luther, calvin, knox, etc... for the degradation of morals.

God Bless,



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Thomas Michael

I think the "Calvin" that shares part of the blame here is Calvin Klein. Remember the Brooke Shields commercials? The Kate Moss ads? The commercials that looked like porno flick auditions?

I'm just not too pleased with the general direction fashion is going in these days. It's full-throttle "bare as much as you dare". The conventional wisdom in today's clothing department says if you got a good body, go around half-naked. Styles that show more skin are creeping into the young girls' department. pantaloons are getting lower and lower on the hips. The overwhelming style for wedding gowns today is strapless. (I'm surprised that priests would even let brides into their churches dressed like that.) People are wearing cheap-looking flip-flops everywhere, even to school and, yes, church.

Remember when people showed off their fit bodies by wearing clothing that was tight yet covered bodies in a decent way? If I have a daughter, I hope a fashion backlash against all this exhibitionism arrives by the time she's old enough to have fashion sense.

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This makes me MAD. And I mean MAD. Teens may not know what it refers to, but people get the idea, and it's just sick. Let's start defending our beliefs one by one.

Who's up for a petition? Or is it a crazy idea?

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now that im in college its been bad, i mean come on, are all the clothes half-off or something because it always looks like their only wearing half their clothes...then i realize, oh, thats the way they bought it! then i feel like i should offer someone my sweater that i wear all the time...

the fashion today is sad and scary.

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  littleflower said:
the fashion today is sad and scary.

I agree. Let's be examples! (at least I try to be, and God knows my high school needs it!)

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