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Catholic League president William Donohue offered the following remarks today on Senator John Kerry’s interview yesterday with ABC TV anchor Peter Jennings:

“Senator Kerry recently said that he believes life begins at conception. Accordingly, Peter Jennings asked, why isn’t ‘even a first-trimester abortion not murder?’ Kerry replied, ‘No, because it’s not the form of life that takes personhood in the terms that we have judged it to be in the past. It’s the beginning of life.’ Thus did Kerry distinguish between human life and personhood.

“Kerry’s dichotomy was advanced by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1857 in the Dred Scott decision that legalized slavery. In that ruling, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney wrote that members of ‘the negro race’ were ‘not regarded as a portion of the people or citizens of the Government.’ Similarly, he concluded that ‘it is too plain for argument, that they have never been regarded as part of the people or citizens of the State.’

“Kerry floated another dichotomy yesterday that is equally troubling. When pressed by Jennings whether he could ever imagine himself campaigning against abortion, Kerry said, ‘Well, I don’t think—let me tell you clearly that being pro-choice is not pro-abortion.’ But why isn’t it? Voters need to know exactly what it is about abortion that Kerry doesn’t like. What’s holding back his enthusiasm? In other words, why isn’t he pro-abortion? And what is it that is being aborted? A human life that is not a person? Does even Kerry believe this to be true?

“Kerry wants the Catholic vote. According to an AP story today, the Massachusetts delegates are mostly Catholic. But they describe themselves as ‘non-practicing, lapsed, recovering and even ‘unhappy’ Catholics.’ These are the kind of Catholics who gravitate to Kerry. They are also the kind who like his tortured logic on abortion. Unfortunately for Kerry, they are not representative of most Catholics. Practicing Catholics know that a baby is a person, and persons have rights, beginning with the right to be born.”

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I am praying daily for the conversion of this man, and that he not get elected to any public office.

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i really feel a sense of doom w/ this election. my heart will literaly sink if Kerry gets elected. i'll probably cry :(

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I think that it is people like John Kerry and Bill Clinton that have really hurt the morality of the country. It is coruption that refuses to over turn roe v. wade when roe is now pro-life. The thing we need to remember is to keep John Kerry in our prayers.


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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Aug 1 2004, 12:54 AM'] i really feel a sense of doom w/ this election. my heart will literaly sink if Kerry gets elected. i'll probably cry :( [/quote]
I have a real bad feeling that he is going to win. If he does, I will cry to, I will cry for the millions of pre-born babies that are going to be slaughtered because of him.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Aug 1 2004, 01:54 AM'] i really feel a sense of doom w/ this election. my heart will literaly sink if Kerry gets elected. i'll probably cry :( [/quote]
The only way for him to win is if he cheats.

Gallup Poll said that he had no bounce from the convention and his bounce in Newsweek was 7 points. That's the lowest ever in the history of their post-convention polls. Heck, the Dems in 1988 got a 17 point bounce. In addition, Bush is ahead in 5 of the 6 main character areas (including, on a Gallup Poll, a 56% over 38% lead in which person would keep the nation safer). The issue of safety will probably break the dead heat about a week before the elections, just as it did in 1984. Also, Gallup Poll put Bush ahead by 3% in their latest poll. My brother (who's a journalism and history major) says that Kerry is done.

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I think the Bush campaign has been doing a bad job keeping up with the barage of Kerry ads in my area (Ohio). I think if he can get the campaign turned around it's a sure thing, judging from the fact that Edwards and the DNC have both proved flops in regards to a poll boost. As the election nears people are going to find Bush to be geniune, and Kerry an opportunist.

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Ash Wednesday

I think the election will turn out a lot like the last one, but hopefully without the vote recount debacle.

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