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Ot: Ashlee Simpson


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[quote]she, Lindsay, Hilary.... they're starting a new trend, something that is more modest, and more overall enjoyable then the 90's [/quote]

I totally agree, I would rather have my sister listening to Hillary Duff than Britney Spears of Christina, although its tough to screen what kids listen to, its good to see that pop is overcoming the *good-looking*, *not so good* singing and lyrics.

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I think the pop industry realized that they were borderline pornography and they had to send a new image and "refresh" in order to keep in business and not just be same old same old.

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[quote name='stef22' date='Aug 10 2004, 02:16 AM'] I totally agree, I would rather have my sister listening to Hillary Duff than Britney Spears of Christina, although its tough to screen what kids listen to, its good to see that pop is overcoming the *good-looking*, *not so good* singing and lyrics. [/quote]
Amen to that!

the pop genre is finally coming back around. Britney is out, and the new girls are in--and hopefully their kind will STAY in. ^_^

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[quote name='stef22' date='Aug 10 2004, 01:16 AM']
I totally agree, I would rather have my sister listening to Hillary Duff than Britney Spears of Christina, although its tough to screen what kids listen to, its good to see that pop is overcoming the *good-looking*, *not so good* singing and lyrics.[/quote]
I totally disagree. Uh, Christina may not be an amazing role model but at least she's made a career for herself and has an amazing voice to more than make up for the hype. I dare you to try and tell me that Hilary Duff can sing better than her, and I'm no Christina fan.

Ashlee Simpson? Uh would anyone know who she was if there was no Jessica Simpson? No. Does she sing well enough to deserve a contract? Maybe. Do I give a carp about anything she sing about in her songs? No. Just like all pop music, it's for dances, radio and videos. Nothing more.I like a little depth in my music, so pop is out.

I'd never shelter my sister from something she's going to hear. I find it so funny people don't want kids to know what the real world is. They make the kids think everything is bubble gum and flowers, and then they're thrown into what it truly is and go through extreme culture shock. Maybe this is just some inane opinion of someone who's grown up "ghetto," but I'd take it over being ignorant any day.

I don't really have any main point here, just some rants about how everyone is wrong but me. haha, kidding, not quite that self absorbed. [i]quite.[/i]

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I sorta agree with you. Kids need shouldn't be sheltered too much, but considering shes 8... and she already knows what the swear words are and won't say them (because she knows there bad), shes doing quite good. I'm just saying do you really think she should be exposed to like nearly naked women dancing? how is that a culture shock?

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[quote name='tracey' date='Aug 13 2004, 01:26 AM']
I'd never shelter my sister from something she's going to hear. I find it so funny people don't want kids to know what the real world is. They make the kids think everything is bubble gum and flowers, and then they're thrown into what it truly is and go through extreme culture shock. Maybe this is just some inane opinion of someone who's grown up "ghetto," but I'd take it over being ignorant any day.

Tracey, although i think you may have hit the nail on the head on the talents of some of the singers on the above i do not agree with the rest of your post. There is a difference between "ignorance" and caution. I dont care what you say having Christina A. dance around basically in pornographic movements and in skimpy clothing is not a real reflection of "real life".

Reality is pregnancy from promiscoucy...and abortion from the rise of radical feminism and secularism, reality is abuse from relationships built upon sex rather then commitement (which both Christina A. and Britney support).

Reality is homeless drug addicts not Mr. Outkasts or Snoops version of the story.

Reality is murder and death not Glory and Fame as Mr. 50 Cent likes to tell.

Tracey there is a difference between being informed and telling our children look "MTV" is the real world or this is what its like out there. Sure you can say "look this stuff is out there" but that doesnt mean that young minds and devolping minds of adolecents should be [b]perverted[/b] by this. Next time a man treats you wrong or as an object or vice versa think about what inflences this....think about it...the things MTV promotes and many of these "artists" promote are often some of the propogranda in the "Culture of Death" i think caution is nesscariy and a real waking up to reality is in check.

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i have to agree with Flip here. Ridding on the coat tails of her big sister and then her living on her own thinking she knows the world and she's bigger than everyone, doesn't comprehend the world whatsoever and my brother was watching her show and she was saying how she likes this boy now she likes that boy and i don't care if spends the night over and BLAH. I don't care if anybody thinks i'm being mean about her i just don't like her or alot of these up and coming ladies. that's my opinion.

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