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Is There A Morally Permissible Way...


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To wait for a nocturnal emission seems absurd.

First of all, when the sample is taken at home the man is supposed to deliver it to the clinic withing one hour and is supposed to carry it near his body to keep it at body temperature.

The problem with waiting for a nocturnal emission is that, first of all, most guys don't have them regularly. They don't happen all that often. They happen when you're asleep so you don't even know when they happen, and if you had one, you wouldn't be able to get it to the clinic in the middle of the night.

Not only that, but how in the world would you collect it at night? It seems totally odd. The guy would have to wear plastic underwear.

I seriously don't think this is an option.

The fact is that virgins don't know if they will be fertile when they enter marriage, but they enter with goodwill and good intent. If one person has reason to believe that they might not be fertile (as in the case of the young man in this example) he should be honest with his future wife, but should also realize that A.) he won't be able to give a guarantee and B.) God can do amazing things . . . even make the infertile and barren people bring forth life . . . think Sara, think Zecchariah, think the Virgin Mary . . . what place is more hopeless then the womb of a Virgin . . . a place where the possibility of life is impossible, because it is virginal . . . yet took that barrenness and allowed it to bring forth life.

Part of marriage is not just Canon Law requirements. It's faith. Faith that your marriage doesn't even belong to you, but to God. And he will bring forth his will if you let him.

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Thank you for the informative responses. Now if I can just convince him that he has to wait and see.

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  • 5 weeks later...

[quote name='thedude' date='Jul 28 2004, 05:10 PM'] Yeah I know about the proccess for married men, but the problem is he isn't married yet and he doesn't want to be until he can tell his future spouse whether or not they can have kids. [/quote]
Impotence does not premit marriage, but one may and still become married if he feels the call to marriage,because infertility does mean that they can not adopt. Openess to life is the key.

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That's true, but I'm afraid that they will disregard Church teaching if they can't have their own kids (which makes my head explode).

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Two questions...

[b]1.[/b] So those who know they themselves are infertile, cannot get married whatsoever?

[b]2.[/b] How about testing for STD's (so you can know if your fiance has one or not)? Does that require semen samples too?

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OK I am going to be frank so people who can not handle blunt discussion should not read further....





That being said I will try to be as dicrete as possible.

[quote name='"Code Canon Law 1983"']Can. 1061 §1 A valid marriage between baptised persons is said to be merely ratified, if it is not consummated; ratified and consummated, if the spouses have in a human manner engaged together in a conjugal act in itself apt for the generation of offspring. To this act marriage is by its nature ordered and by it the spouses become one flesh.[/quote]


[quote name='"Canon 1083"']§2 If the impediment of impotence is doubtful, whether the doubt be one of law or one of fact, the marriage is not to be prevented nor, while the doubt persists, is it to be declared null.

§3 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 1098, sterility neither forbids nor invalidates a marriage. [/quote]

Basically all the plumming has to work, at least technically one time, but fertility is not an issue, so long as both are open to life.

Other nifty facts

Later impotence does not invalidate the marriage.

A marriage can be ratified but not consumated, before the first conjugal act and still be a marriage, though the marriage bond is easily broken.

A man must be Sixteen before he get married, but a women only 14!

And a sterility test is thus never necessary.

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[quote name='Philippe' date='Jul 28 2004, 09:31 PM'] that makes no sense because if u go have the test done and u sin, then u really arent sorry for your sin so the confession would be invalid [/quote]
One could become sorry for the sin later on though... I was giving the benefit of a doubt that there would be some repentance! ;)

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Aug 27 2004, 10:37 PM'] One could become sorry for the sin later on though... I was giving the benefit of a doubt that there would be some repentance! ;) [/quote]
You can't sin and just plan on repenting later. That is presumption.

Augustine says that someone who commits a sin intending to repent later is no penitent but a mocker of God, and Scripture says, "God will not be mocked".

You could go to hell over a stupid sperm sample. Remember, masturbation is grave matter.

Just my $0.02

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STD tests only require blood tests.

Thanks Theoketos for getting the canon law on the issue.

LD, I think that what IcePrincess is referring to here is the fact that we can pray for someone's repentance, even if they do not intend to repent. My mother had a tubal ligation after the birth of my sister. At the time she saw no reason to repent, as she had been advised to do so by a priest. As she grew in her relationship with Christ and the teachings of the Church she became very repentant of her decision.

The same can be true for any sin. That is the mystery of God's grace!

I think this has been a great discussion!

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[quote name='BLAZEr' date='Aug 27 2004, 11:08 PM'] STD tests only require blood tests.

Thanks Theoketos for getting the canon law on the issue.

LD, I think that what IcePrincess is referring to here is the fact that we can pray for someone's repentance, even if they do not intend to repent. My mother had a tubal ligation after the birth of my sister. At the time she saw no reason to repent, as she had been advised to do so by a priest. As she grew in her relationship with Christ and the teachings of the Church she became very repentant of her decision.

The same can be true for any sin. That is the mystery of God's grace!

I think this has been a great discussion! [/quote]
teehee, ahh, I see. Thanks BLAZEr. I get it now. Sorry Princess Bling Bling! :D

I was shocked that you would take sin so lightly, I should have known I wasn't understanding you properly.

God bless. :)

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