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If Jesus Never Did What The Bible Claims


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Just think about this one for awhile. If there was no miracles if there was no sacrifice could we still learn and love from the way that Jesus lived his life?

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It's a useless and unfruitful question. There is no purpose in pondering what is not true. It would be like to say, what if God didn't create the world, and there is no God? It would be a waste of time to even discuss it.

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Well then let me rephrase the question. What is it that you do Love and respect about Jesus? In your comments you explained that there is no purpose in pondering what is not true. How do you arrive to the conclusion that the account of the Bible is indeed fact or Truth?

Edited by carrdero
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God Conquers

Everything we know leads us to believe it's truth. We can infer from the natural world, from our own experience, from the experience of others, from history and from science, as well as from the deepest inclinations of the human being, that what Christ left behind on earth (the Church) is True and that it teaches the Truth about Christ and God in the Bible and in Tradition and about the Human Person, in morality and faith.

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The answer to the question, in any event, is: Absolutely not. A man cannot be both a liar and a goodman. If He claimed to be the Messias, the Son of the Living God, God Himself, and was not all these things, then He would have been a liar and a false prophet (against whom He preached). This is a typical Rationalist belief, but it is ridiculous because it asserts that a man can be justified and venerable who is dishonest and in fact a complete liar.

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God Conquers

Either that or a lunatic, of which He most certainly was not.

Jesus and the early Christians had many enemies, and no historical information points to this.

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[quote]Just think about this one for awhile. If there was no miracles if there was no sacrifice could we still learn and love from the way that Jesus lived his life?[/quote]

What other reason did God come among man? (sacrifice)
God showed his love for us by giving his only son. The perfect man.
It is irrational to think that Christ would be hear simply to speak and leave or die either a peaceful or violent death.
Any prophet could and did do that.

Obviously it wasnt enough, the point wasnt being made. To show pure love, that was His purpose.

Miracles? To us they are. To God nothing is impossible.

and welcome aboard!

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If Jesus was not God He sooo wouldn't have had the impact He did. He cut time in half and has been the driving purpose behind all good morality and religion for 2000 years. the way He lived His life? well He lived His life sinless and perfectly, that's why He had the impact He did. if He was not God He would not have lived sinless and perfectly, and thus wouldn't have had an impact. The Sacrifice was the entire purpose for His life, to save us from sin.

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by the way: contrary to your sig the Catholic Religion teaches what our purpose on this earth is: to know, love, and serve God. It's in the Bible and the Catechism, quite clear what my purpose is. Organized Religion is what built up society and kept hope alive for 2000, nay dar I say even 6000 years, without it we would be mere cavemen still, and if we ditch it now we will surely fall into morally relativistic anarchy with nothing safe and nothing sacred. the Catholic Church brought Hope to the world, and without her we'd all be doomed.

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