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Democratic Convention

MC Just

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Obama's speech was pretty good, although I don't agree with what he was saying, but I still hold to my opinion that Teresa's speech was really bad. She talked about herself most of the time (not accomplishing what the Democrats were hoping she would accomplish, that is, showing us John kerry as a person) and induced sleep among my household.

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they dont care what's in the constitution, obviously they are trying to re-write it with their sick interpretations...

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God Conquers

You misunderstand.

Is it a constitutional RIGHT.... yes or no?

I know in Canada the law against abortion was struck down and not replaced, so when people say a woman has a RIGHT to an abortion or a RIGHT to choose, they are lying, they have no such right.

I'm not sure if the case is the same down there.

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Bill O'reilly rocks!!!!! I saw the mike moore interview- yea maybe he was a little soft on him but he still let him have it when he was spinning

Ron Reagan ticks me off- majorly!!

[quote]Am I the only one sickened by whenever they've refered to abortion at the convention, it's proceded by "a woman's right to." Makes me want to puke when they start clapping over it. "Yea! Hurrah for baby-killing!"[/quote]

I totaly agree

and in the words of taresa heinz kerry- the democrats can "shuv it" :D :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Edited by curtins
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obama's speech even hyped me up! he must have been a pentecostal minister in a previous life or something.....

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